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Preface; Contents; Contributors; 1 Frequency Domain and Time Domain Response of the Horizontal Grounding Electrode Using the Antenna Theory Approach; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Frequency Domain Analysis; 1.2.1 Numerical Solution; 1.2.2 Computational Examples; 1.3 Time Domain Analysis; 1.3.1 BEM Procedure for Pocklington Equation; 1.3.2 Numerical Results for Grounding Electrode; 1.4 Concluding Remarks; References; 2 On the Use of Analytical Methods in Electromagnetic Compatibility and Magnetohydrodynamics; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Thin Wire Models in Antenna Theory

2.2.1 Frequency Domain Formulation2.2.2 Time Domain Formulation; 2.3 Frequency Domain Applications of Analytical Methods; 2.3.1 Horizontal Wire Below Ground; 2.3.2 Horizontal Grounding Electrode; 2.4 Time Domain Applications of Analytical Methods; 2.4.1 Horizontal Wire Below Ground; 2.4.2 Horizontal Grounding Electrode; 2.5 Some Analytical Solutions to the Grad
Shafranov Equation; 2.5.1 Solution of the Homogeneous Equation; 2.5.2 The Solov'ev Equilibrium; 2.5.3 The Herrnegger
Maschke Solutions; 2.5.4 Mc Carthy's Solution; 2.5.5 Computational Example; 2.6 Concluding Remarks; References

3 Analysis of Horizontal Thin-Wire Conductor Buried in Lossy Ground: New Model for Sommerfeld Type Integral3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Problem Formulation; 3.3 Sommerfeld Integral Approximations; 3.3.1 Transmission Coefficient (TC) Approach; 3.3.2 Two-Image Approximation
TIA; 3.4 Solution of the Integral Equation; 3.5 Numerical Results; 3.6 Conclusion; References; 4 Comparison of TL, Point-Matching and Hybrid Circuit Method Analysis of a Horizontal Dipole Antenna Immersed in Lossy Soil; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Geometry Layout; 4.3 Transmission Line Model (TLM); 4.4 Point-Matching Method (PMM)

4.5 Hybrid Circuit Method (HCM)4.6 Numerical Results; 4.7 Conclusion; References; 5 Theoretical Study of Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Antenna and Its Arrays; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Types of Microstrip Antennas; 5.2.1 Theoretical Impedance Bandwidth; 5.3 Conclusion; References; 6 Green Function of the Point Source Inside/Outside Spherical Domain
Approximate Solution; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Theoretical Background; 6.2.1 Description of the Problem; 6.2.2 Exact ESP Solution According to [19]; 6.2.3 ESP Solution According to [20, pp. 97
98] and [21]; 6.2.4 ESP Solution Proposed in This Paper

6.2.5 Analysis of the Presented ESP Solutions6.2.6 Error Estimation Using the Approximate Expressions for the ESP; 6.3 Numerical Results; 6.4 Technical Application; 6.5 Conclusion; References; 7 The Electromagnetic
Thermal Dosimetry Model of the Human Brain; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Electromagnetic Dosimetry Model; 7.2.1 Numerical Solution; 7.3 Thermal Dosimetry Model; 7.3.1 Finite Element Solution; 7.4 Computational Example; 7.5 Conclusion; References; 8 Quasi-TEM Analysis of Multilayered Shielded Microstrip Lines Using Hybrid Boundary Element Method; 8.1 Introduction

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