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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewers; Foreword; Introduction; Part I: Before We Start; Chapter 1: Imperative vs. Functional Programming; Imperative Programming; Objects; Memory; Functional Programming; Hybrid Programming Languages; How Do Erlang and Elixir Fit into the Schema?; Chapter 2: From Erlang to Elixir; Chapter 3: Setting Your Mind; Part II: The Service; Chapter 4: Service Overview and Design; Security; Live Media; Insurance; Solicitor; Registries and Archives; Online Shop; Mobile Apps; Chapter 5: Service Features; Part III: The Setup

Chapter 6: Environment and DeploymentInstallation; Testing the Setup; Erlang; Elixir; Docker Containers; Deployment; Chapter 7: Development Setup; Basic Tools for Continuous Integration; Rebar3; Custom Templates; Configuration and Shell ; Mix; Commands; Custom Tasks; Rebar 3 and Mix ; Common Test and EUnit for Erlang; EUnit; Common Test; ExUnit; Meck; Debugger; Dialyzer; Chapter 8: Production Setup; Release Management; Monitoring; Part IV: Implementing the Service; Chapter 9: Overview; A Deeper Look at Erlang and Elixir; Module Definition; Function Exports; Running on One Machine

Running on Two MachinesProject Structure; Mixing Erlang and Elixir Modules; Libraries; Database Access: Ecto, Erlmongo, and Others; Riak KV; JSON; Logging: Lager; Timex; UUID; Chapter 10: Public Interface; Low Level; OTP Servers; Generic Server1; Generic FSM2 and Generic State Machine3; Generic Event Handler5; Supervisor6; Application7; GenStage8; Erlang and Cowboy; Route Options; Query Strings; Body Data; HTTP Verbs; Elixir and Phoenix; Chapter 11: Asset Processing; Database Access; MongoDB GridFS; PostgreSQL; Workflow; Model Definition; Orchestration; State Machine; Image Processing

PDF CreationChapter 12: Deployment; Security; Distribution and Deployment; Part V: Patterns and Concepts; Chapter 13: Overview Patterns and Concepts; Chapter 14: Functional Concepts; Pattern Matching; Immutability; Code Quality and Debugging; Data Consistency and State; Cache and Sharing; Hash Keys; Functional Correctness; Bi-Directional Data Structures; Workarounds; Resistance; Concurrency; Maps; Lists and Tuples; Recursion; Higher Order Functions; Continuation-Passing; Closures; Lazy Evaluation; Referential Transparency; Chapter 15: Type Creation Concepts; DSL and Metaprogramming; Mixin

PolymorphismBehaviors (Behaviours); Dynamic Types; Atoms; Chapter 16: Code Structuring Concepts; Separation of Concerns; SOA; Actor Model; Specific to Generic; Fault Tolerance; Processes; Concurrency; Flow-Based Programming; Where To Go From Here?; Appendix A: Modeling; Appendix B: Resources; Books; Articles and Papers; Online Learning; Blogs; Fora; Appendix C: Features/Framework/Concepts Matrix; Appendix D: Quick Guide to Erlang and Elixir; Code Comments; Variables; Atoms; Data Types; Operators; Conditionals; Pattern Matching; Guards; Functions; Data: Lists, Records, Maps, and Structs

