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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I; Chapter 1: Operating System Basics; What Is an Operating System?; What Is a Kernel?; The Ring Architecture; What Is a File System?; What Are Device Drivers?; Memory Management: Stack versus Heap; Microsoft Windows; Windows Authentication: Local versus Centralized; Local Authentication; Centralized Authentication; The Windows Registry; Backing Up and Restoring the Windows Registry; The Windows Event Viewer; Windows Services; Windows Processes; Windows Security Policies; The Windows Firewall

Cheat-Sheet to Windows CommandsLinux; Linux Directory Structure; Passwords in Linux; Linux Permissions in a Nutshell; Processes; Understanding the Linux Firewall (IP tables); TCP Wrappers; Cheat-Sheet to Linux Commands; Summary; Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Exercises; Test Your Knowledge: Sample Questions; Chapter 2: Database Basics; What Is a Database?; Widely Used Database Software; ACID Properties; What Is SQL?; Important Database Concepts; Data Definition Language: CREATE, ALTER, RENAME, DROP, TRUNCATE; CREATE; ALTER; DROP; TRUNCATE; Data Control Language: GRANT, REVOKE; GRANT; REVOKE

Query and Clauses: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, DISTINCTSELECT and FROM; WHERE; GROUP BY; HAVING; ORDER BY; DISTINCT; Data Manipulation: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE; INSERT; UPDATE; DELETE; The Significance of Symbols in SQL; Query Processing Internals; Summary; Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Exercises; Sample Questions; Chapter 3: Networking Basics; The Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model; The TCP/IP Model; Comparing the OSI and TCP/IP Models; TCP Vs UDP; TCP Handshake and TCP Flags; IP Addressing and Sockets; Private IP and Public IP; Port Numbers; IP V6 Basics; MAC Addresses

Introduction to DNSDHCP: Dynamic Host Control Protocol; ARP: Address Resolution Protocol; Network Address Translation: NAT; Access Control Lists: ACL; VPN (Remote Access VPN, Site-to-Site VPN); Common Network and Network Security Devices; Routers and Switches; Firewall, IDS, and IPS; Firewall; Intrusion Detection System; Intrusion Prevention System; Summary; Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Exercises; Test Your Knowledge
Sample Questions; Chapter 4: Programming Basics for Security Enthusiasts and Hackers; Windows PowerShell; The PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment; Logic Building; Variables

If Else Decision MakingFor Loops; Pipes; File-Handling Functions; Create a New File or Directory; Delete a File or Directory; Copy Files; Check File Properties; Web / Networking Functions; Get IP Address of Current System; List all WiFi Connections in Range; Fetch a file from Remote URL; Some Useful PowerShell Cmdlets; Linux Shell Scripting; Structural Basics of a Shell Script; Creating Your First Shell Script; Reading Input from the User; Logic Building; If Conditions; FOR Loops; Redirection; Single Output Redirection; Double Output Redirection (Append); Input Redirection; Python

