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Table of Contents
When an elephant rustles the bush-
Is a picture still worth a thousand words? from documentary to investigative realism : Cyprian Ekwensi's Jagua Nana and Flora Nwapa's One is enough
Lampoon, or the power of savage satire, and the visual object of distaste : Chinua Achebe's A man of the people and Ayi Kwei Armah's The beautyful ones are not yet born
On the politics of love : Chinua Achebe's No longer at ease and Bessie Head's Maru
Masking the infrastuctural frame : Christopher Okigbo and his acolytes (Labyrinths' aural and thematic echoes in Okinba Launko's Minted coins and Chimalum Nwankwo's The heart in the womb)
Conclusion: coming out of shadow : eye on the tradition, looking for consequence.
Is a picture still worth a thousand words? from documentary to investigative realism : Cyprian Ekwensi's Jagua Nana and Flora Nwapa's One is enough
Lampoon, or the power of savage satire, and the visual object of distaste : Chinua Achebe's A man of the people and Ayi Kwei Armah's The beautyful ones are not yet born
On the politics of love : Chinua Achebe's No longer at ease and Bessie Head's Maru
Masking the infrastuctural frame : Christopher Okigbo and his acolytes (Labyrinths' aural and thematic echoes in Okinba Launko's Minted coins and Chimalum Nwankwo's The heart in the womb)
Conclusion: coming out of shadow : eye on the tradition, looking for consequence.