Linked e-resources


Stanford University's Cavendish manuscript : Wolsey, Elizabeth I, Shakespeare, and Milton
Texts presented to Elizabeth I on the university progresses
Analysing a private library, with a shelf-list attributable to John Hales of Eton, c.1624
Young Milton in his letters
The itinerant sibling : Christopher Milton in London and Suffolk
Milton, the attentive Mr Skinner, and the acts and discourses of friendship
Printing the Gospels in Arabic in Rome in 1590
Tyranny and tragicomedy in Milton's reading of The tempest
The earliest Miltonists : Patrick Hume and John Toland
The ghost of rhetoric : Milton's logic and the Renaissance trivium
Misprinting Bartholomew Fair : Jonson and the absolute knave
Reliquiae Baxterianae and the shaping of the seventeenth century
Marvell and the Dutch in 1665
Did Milton read Selden?
Hands on
Shakespeare with a difference : dismembering and remembering Titus Andronicus in Heiner Müller's and Brigitte Maria Mayer's Anatomie Titus
By ferry, foot, and fate : a tour in the Hebrides.

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