

section 1. Criminal justice policy
1. The politics and policy dichotomy
The role of politics in the administration of justice
Sources of law and policy
Politics and legislative processes and functions
Policymaking and criminal justice
2. Crime control versus due process
The crime control model
The due process model
The practical differences between the models
Crime control model policies
Due process model policies.

section 2. Law enforcement issues
3. The search for a guiding philosophy of policing
Stages of police development
The political era (1820s-1940s)
Reform transition (late 1800s-early 1900s)
The professional era (1940-1970)
Days of protest : another transition (mid-1960s-mid-1970s)
The community policing era (1970-2010)
Community policing
Search for a guiding philosophy for policing (2010 to present)
4. Police and the use of force
Defining the terms
Police and citizen interactions
Influences on the use of force
Departmental practice or police culture
The characteristics of individual officers
High-speed pursuits as deadly force
Less-than-lethal force
Police officer deaths
Police shootings of civilians
Remedies for unauthorized use of force
5. Gun control
Firearms mortality
Violent crime
Firearms legislation
Regulating the types of firearms
Legislating access to firearms
Controlling firearms use
Effectiveness of gun control legislation
Police interventions to reduce illegal gun use.

section 3. Justice for all, or just for some?
6. Sentencing
Getting tough
Indeterminate to determinate sentencing
Sentencing guidelines
Mandatory minimum sentences
Three-strikes legislation
7. Race, ethnicity, and justice
Decision making in the criminal justice system
Juvenile detention and incarceration
8. Gender and justice
Women as offenders in the criminal justice system
Prosecution and adjudication
Criminal sanctions
Treatment and rehabilitation resources
Women as crime victims
Women working in the criminal justice system
9. Wrongful convictions
Scope of the problem
Eyewitness misidentification
False confessions and incriminating statements
Unvalidated or improper forensic science
Ineffective assistance of counsel.

section 4. The challenges of correcting law-violating behavior
10. What are the alternatives?
Specialized courts
Drug diversion programs
Intermediate sanctions
Community-based jail programs
11. Putting the brakes on correctional populations
Imprisonment and crime control
The rising cost of corrections
Indirect costs of incarceration
Rehabilitating prisoners
12. The death penalty
Capital punishment in America : evolving conditions and practices
Support for the death penalty
Capital punishment policy
The future of the death penalty
13. Juvenile crime and violence
Juvenile crime trends
Explaining changes in juvenile crime
Cycles of juvenile justice
Models for controlling juvenile crime
Noninterventionist model
Rehabilitation model
Crime control model
Evidence-based practice.

section 5. Public safety and the future
14. Living in a post-9/11 world
Federal legislation
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
The Antiterrorism and effective Death Penalty Act
The USA Patriot Act
Homeland Security
Security versus liberty
The changing legal environment
15. Making sense of criminal justice
Understanding criminal justice policy
Research and criminal justice policy
Criminal justice in the 21st Century.

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