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Syntax and Data-to-Text Generation
Spoken Language Processing: Time to Look Outside?
Phonetics and Machine Learning: Hierarchical Modelling of Prosody in Statistical Speech Synthesis
A Hybrid Approach to Compiling Bilingual Dictionaries of Medical Terms from Parallel Corpora
Experiments with a PPM Compression-Based Method for English-Chinese Bilingual Sentence Alignment
BiMEANT: Integrating Cross-Lingual and Monolingual Semantic Frame Similarities in the MEANT Semantic MT Evaluation Metric
Robust Speaker Recognition Using MAP Estimation of Additive Noise in i-vectors Space
Structured GMM Based on Unsupervised Clustering for Recognizing Adult and Child Speech
Physiological and Cognitive Status Monitoring on the Base of Acoustic-Phonetic Speech Parameters
Automatic Phonetic Transcription in Two Steps: Forced Alignment and Burst Detection
Supervised Classification Using Balanced Training
Exploring Multidimensional Continuous Feature Space to Extract Relevant Words
Lazy and Eager Relational Learning Using Graph-Kernels
Linear Co-occurrence Rate Networks (L-CRNs) for Sequence Labeling
A Comparison of Sequence-Trained Deep Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks Optical Modeling for Handwriting Recognition
Probabilistic Anomaly Detection Method for Authorship Verification
Measuring Global Similarity Between Texts
Identifying and Clustering Relevant Terms in Clinical Records Using Unsupervised Methods
Predicting Medical Roles in Online Health Fora
Informal Mathematical Discourse Parsing with Conditional Random Fields
Corpus-Based Information Extraction and Opinion Mining for the Restaurant Recommendation System.

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