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At a Glance; Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Introducing Materialize; What Is Material Design?; Material Is Analogy; Bold, Graphic, Intentional; Motion Provides Meaning; What Is Materialize CSS?; Downloading Materialize CSS; Production-Ready; Sass Version; Alternative Downloading Methods; Setting Up Materialize; SASS Setup; Gallery; Summary; Chapter 2: Grid Fundamentals and Helper Classes; Materialize Grid Explained; Creating Responsive Layouts; .container Class; 12-Column Grid Layout; Columns Incorporated in Rows; Offsets

Push and PullAdding Responsiveness; Responsive Side Navigation Layout; Helpers; Vertical Align; Text Alignment; Quick Floats; Hiding Content; Truncation; Hoverable; Summary; Chapter 3: Beyond Fundamentals; Color Palette; Responsive Images; Rounded Images; Responsive Embeds; Responsive Videos; Shadows; Tables; Typography; Blockquotes; Summary; Chapter 4: Materialize JavaScript; Collapsible; Toasts; Tooltips; Dropdown; Modal; ScrollFire; ScrollSpy; SideNav; Tabs; Waves; Transitions; Carousel; Summary; Chapter 5: Materialize Components; Badges; Buttons; Cards; Chips; Collection; Footer; Forms

Input FieldTextarea; Select; Radio; Checkboxes; Switches; DatePicker; Summary; Index

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