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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; Introduction; Chapter 1: Protocols of the Web; Standardization with RFCs; The OSI Reference Model; The Internet Protocol Family; Important Protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite; Address Resolution Protocol (ARP); Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP); Internet Protocol (IP); IPV6 versus V4; Transmission Control Protocol (TCP); Port; Data Stream; User Datagram Protocol (UDP); Multimedia and VoIP; Session Initiation Protocol (SIP); The High-Level Language Protocols; File Transfer Protocol (FTP); Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)/Extended SMTP (ESMTP)Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Protocol Construction: Header, Body; Command Structure; The HTTP Status Codes; Expiration of HTTP Communication; Head Fields; HTTP 2.0; Supplemental Standards; WebSockets; WebDAV; REST; Features; Addressability; Representation Variable; Conditionlessness; Scalability; Generally Accepted; Expandable; REST Example; URI; HTTP; MIME; JSON; The JSON Format Definition; The ATOM Format; Chapter 2: Dynamic Web Sites; How Dynamic Web Sites Are Created; Optimization; Tools; Server Page Optimization.

Pipeline OptimizationProcess Configuration; CDN (Content Delivery Network); Minify and Bundling; Sprites; General and Banal; Client-Site Optimization; Handling Pictures; Handling the DOM; Chapter 3: HTML: Hypertext Markup Language; Basics of HTML; The History of HTML; XML Basics for HTML; Markup; Structure and Features of an XML Document; Shapeliness; Validation; Processing; The Term "Markup"; Empty Elements; Validity; Correctness; Special Cases; Site Structure; The Doctype; Codings; HTML5 Site Structure; Elements of the Page; Text Elements; Headings (h1 & h6); Paragraphs (p).

Preformatted (pre)The blockquote Tag; The figure and figcaption Tags; The hr Tag; The ol and li Tags; The ul and li Tags; The dl, dt, and dd Tags; The div Tag; Text Flow; References; Tables; Multimedia and Graphics; Forms; Scripts; Interactive Elements; General and Universal Attributes; The id Attribute; The class Attribute; The accesskey Attribute; The contenteditable Attribute; The contextmenu Attribute; The dir Attribute; The draggable Attribute; The dropzone Attribute; The hidden Attribute; The lang Attribute; The spellcheck Attribute; The style Attribute; The tabindex Attribute.

The title AttributeChapter 4: CSS: Cascading Style Sheets; CSS Basics; CSS Syntax; The Selector Component; Elements (Tags); IDs; Classes; Attributes; Logical Selection; More Selectors; The Box Model; Components of the Box; The Box Model in CSS3; Attention of Media; Syntax; Parameters; The Viewport; Viewport Configuration; Viewport Configuration; CSS Units; Absolute Units; Relative Units; Index.

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