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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Getting Started; Understanding the Core Elements of CareKit; Framework Organization; User Interface Modules; Care Card; Symptom and Measurement Tracker; Insights; Connect; Data Modules; Care Plan Store; Documents Exporter; Key Data Types; Intervention Activity; Assessment Activity; Intervention Event; Assessment Event; Contact; Chart; CareKit Framework Architecture; Presentation Layer; Data Layer; Anatomy of the Sample CareKit-Based Application; Application Design.

Application ArchitectureControllers; CareStorePlanManager; Best Practices; Privacy; Security; Accessibility; Summary; Chapter 2: CareKit Hello World; Create the Workspace and Project; Import CareKit and ResearchKit; Configure the Project with Data Protection; Hello World!; Creating a Care Card; Adding the Care Plan Store; Adding an Intervention Activity; Introducing ZombieCare; Summary; Chapter 3: Care Plan Store; OCKCarePlanStore; Storage; Initialization; Security; Accessing the Care Plan Store; Adding to the ZombieCare App; Setup; Additional Files; Implementation; OCKCarePlanActivity.

Intervention Activities and EventsAssessment Activities and Events; OCKCareSchedule; Schedule Types; A Daily Schedule; A Weekly Schedule; Custom Schedules; Adding Activities to the ZombieCare App; Adding the Care Plan Store Manager; OCKCarePlanEvent; OCKCarePlanEventResult; Reading Data from the Store; Additional CareKit Methods; Synchronizing the Functions; OCKCarePlanStoreDelegate; Clearing the Store; Summary; Chapter 4: Building the Care Card; Building and Presenting a Care Card; A Closer Look at the Care Card; Updating the Care Card; Customizing the Behavior of OCKCareCardViewController.

Customizing the Care Card AppearanceChanging Activity Event Colors; Hide/Display Event Row Indicators; Changing the Mask Tint Color and Mask Images; Changing the Tab Icon; Custom Care Card Detail View; Adding an Image to the Intervention Activity; Writing Your Own Custom Care Card Detail View; Summary; Chapter 5: Symptom and Measurement Tracker; Build and Present a Symptom and Measurement Tracker; Reviewing What's Been Presented; Implementing the ResearchKit Task ViewController; Refactoring the Assessment Activity Models; Presenting the Task View Controller.

Setting the Symptom Tracker DelegateAdding a ResearchKit Task; Handling Task Completion; Creating Assessment Activity Results; Adding HealthKit Capabilities; How to Retake Assessments; Updating the Symptom and Measurement Tracker; Integrating Results with HealthKit; About HealthKit Integration; Integrating HealthKit with the Example; Adding Support for HealthKit Data; Creating HealthKit Data; Implementing a Custom Feedback Controller; Defining a Custom Task; Adding the Custom Task; Summary; Chapter 6: Insights; Insight Data Types; Creating Messages; Creating Charts; ZombieCare App Insights
ZombieCare Message Insights.

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