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Part I
His personal life
.1. Memories; Emilia Chirilli
.Part II
The political sphere
.2. From university to the rejection of the oath; Antonio Cardini
.Part III
Economic theory and policy
.3. Forerunner of Law and Economics; Ruggero Paladini
.4. A scholar of Scienza delle finanze; Domenico Da Empoli
.5. Free trade and the South of Italy; Ferruccio Marzano
.6. Economic policy and banks; Pierluigi Ciocca
.7. His place in economic thought; Riccardo Faucci
.Part IV
His international reputation
.8. His fate in the US; Pier Francesco Asso
.9. His influence in the Anglo Saxon world; Steven G. Medema
.10. The modernity of his financial thought; Richard E. Wagner
.11. Scienza delle finanze and Public Choice; James M. Buchanan.

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