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Foreword / Melanie Joy and Jens Tuider
Introduction: Food for Thought / Jodey Castricano and Rasmus Rahbek Simonsen
Part I. Ethics, Politics & Philosophy
Veganisms / Robert C. Jones
Speciesistic Veganism: An Anthropocentric Argument / A.G. Holdier
Human Rights are Animal Rights: The Implications of Ethical Veganism for Human Rights / Jeanette Rowley
Hegel, Eating: Schelling and the Carnivorous Virility of Philosophy / David L. Clark.

Part II. Aesthetics & Representation
Dark Veganism: The Instrumental Intimacies of Matthew Herbert's One Pig / Michael D. Sloane
The Compassion Manifesto: An Ethics for Art + Design and Animals / Julie Andreyev
Lives of their own: Animal Death and Animal Flesh in J.M. Coetzee's writings / Parag Kumar Deka
The Vegan and the Sovereign / Joshua Schuster.

Part III. Food, Memory, Histories
"Are Vegetarians Good Fighters?": World War I and the Rise of Meatless Patriotism / Adam D. Shprintzen
Veganism and the Politics of Nostalgia / Jessica Carey
Is the Moose Still My Brother if We Don't Eat Him? / Margaret Robinson.

Part IV. New Media Is the Message
From Seitan Bourguignon to Tofu Blanquette: Popularizing Veganism in France with Food Blogs / Ophélie Véron
Lisa Simpson and Darlene Conner: Television's Favorite Killjoys / Juawana Grant and Brittni MacKenzie-Dale
The Carnivorous Mission of the Celebrity Chef / Francesco Buscemi
"The Worst Offense Here is the Misrepresentation": Thug Kitchen and Contemporary Vegan Discourse / Alexis Priestley, Sarah K. Lingo, and Peter Royal
Decolonizing Veganism: On Resisting Vegan Whiteness and Racism / Jennifer Polish.

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