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Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Introduction; Parts andßChapters; Part I: Human Being; Introduction; Chapter 1: A Two- andßThreefold Self; Introduction; The Basic Problem; Being andßtoßBe; The Self; Why Neurologically Do WeßBehave andßExperience asßWeßDo?; The Relationship Between theßSubjective andßNeural Self; What or Who Is theßSelf andßWhat Is Its Function?; Clinical Neuroscientific Studies; Frégoli andßCapgras Syndromes; Discussion; Experimental Neuroscientific Studies; Face Recognition; Meditation; The Function ofßtheßSelf; The Three-Fold Self; Conclusion.

Chapter 2: The Human Experiencer Introduction; In Search forßtheßsine qua non ofßHuman Being; The Realness ofßExperiences; Concept, Conception andßConceiving; Experiences ofßUltimate Reality; Near-Death Experiences; Justifying Experiences; Modus Operandi forßanßEpistemic Theory ofßJustified Belief; Modus Operandi forßaßNon-epistemic Theory ofßJustified Belief; Conclusion; Chapter 3: Human Uniqueness; Introduction; Social Animals; Criteria forßBeing aßSocial Animal; Are All Animals Social Animals?; Self-Identity andßGroup-Identity; Intentionality andßCollective Intentionality.

Collective Intentionality Institutional Animals; The Underpinning Evolutionary Mechanisms; Artificial Intelligence; Thinking Computers; Philosophical Opposition; Neural Networks; Humanoids, Androids andßHumans; Conclusion; Conclusion Part I; Part II: The World; Introduction; Chapter 4: Understanding Reality; Introduction; Reality andßRealism; Metaphysicalß- andßAnti-realismß- Internal Realism; Metaphysical Realism; Anti-realism; Internal Realism; Extended Realism; Measurable or Observable Reality or Reality forßUs; Creational Reality or Reality fromßUs forßUs.

Phenomenological Reality or Reality Within Us forßUs The Relationship Dimensions ofßReality; Naturalism; Ontological Naturalism; Methodological Naturalism; Epistemological Naturalism; Supernaturalism; Adequate Type(s) ofßNaturalism; Minimalistic Ontological Naturalism andßExtended or Flexible Ontological Naturalism; Conclusion; Chapter 5: Mindreading; Introduction; First- andßThird-Person Mindreading; Empathy; The Mirror Neuron System; The Neurology ofßtheßMirror Neuron Theory; The Closed Mirror Neuron View; The Open Mirror Neuron View; Discussion; Compassion.

The Anti-compassion View The Pro-compassion View; Discussion; Conclusion; Chapter 6: Free Will, Responsibility andßMoral Evil; Introduction; The Problem ofßEvil; Moral Evil; Coercive Psychological Methods; Neurological Underpinnings; Neurology andßMoral Action; Human Actions andßResponsibility; Conclusion; Chapter 7: Human Time; Introduction; Experiencing Time; Newton Time; Einsteinian Time; Quantum Time; The Measurement Problem; Conclusion; Conclusion Part II; Part III: God; Introduction; Chapter 8: God-Human-God Relationship; Introduction; Models ofßAtheism.

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