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Dedication; Preface: The Feminist Mnemologist; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Tables; chapter 1: Introduction; Book Rationale; Book Scope; Research Methods; Book Content; Part I: Concepts; Part II: Domains; Part III: Actions; Key Terms; Part I: Concepts; chapter 2: Gender, Memory andßTechnologies; Memory Technologies inßEarly Feminism; Memory Technologies inß20th-Century Feminism; Gender andßMemory Technologies inßMemory Studies; New Paradigms inßMemory Studies; Notes; chapter 3: Globital Memory; Movement andßFixity; Towards theßGlobital: Globalisation Plus Digitisation.

Globital Memory: ConceptGlobital Memory: Method; (Trans)Mediality; (Trans)Modality; Extensity; Velocity; Valency; Viscosity; Notes; chapter 4: Globital Utopias: Imaginaries of Gender, Memory and New Technologies; Utopia asßMethod; Gender, Memory andßtheßPress; Gender, Memory andßtheßScreen; Mobilising Feminist Memories; Conclusion; Notes; Part II: Domains; chapter 5: Globital Body: Birth; Defining Obstetric Sonography; Gender andßSonography; Pre-Natal Erasure andßForgetting; From Personal toßPublic Memory; From Private Loss toßPublic Memorial; Trajectories ofßtheßGlobital Memory Baby.

Conclusionschapter 6: Globital Home: Life; In William Shakespeare's Othello, Iago declares, 'I will wear my heart upon my sleeve/For daws to peck at: I am not what I am.' In one of the interviews I conducted for this book, a young woman declared that her favourite memory on her mobi; Historical andßSocial Context ofßtheßMobile Phone; The Local andßtheßGlobal; Theories ofßGender andßMobile Phone Use; Gender, Memory andßtheßMobile Phone; The 2006 andß2014 Mobile Memory Studies; The Velocity ofßMobile Memories; Viscosity: TheßGendered Fixities ofßDigital Data; The (Trans)Modalities ofßGender.

The (Trans)medialities ofßGendered MemoryGendered Memory Extensities; Valency: Stick Women Together; Conclusion; Notes; chapter 7: Globital Publics: Death; Journalism andßMedia Witnessing; Mobile andßSocial Witnessing; Citizen Journalism andßGender; Mobile Witnessing andßGender; The White Everyman ofßtheß2005 London Bombings; Unveiling Muslim Memory: Neda Agha Soltan; Masculinity, theßMuslim Terrorist andßGenderßWars; From theßDiary toßtheßFeminine Twitter; Conclusion: Towards aßFeminist Witnessing; Notes; Part III: Actions; chapter 8: Globital Stories; Feminist Memory Works.

Feminist Memory MakingBegin Again; Conclusions: Gender andßMemory inßtheßGlobitalßAge; Note; chapter 9: Epilogue: Gender Recalled; Appendix; Letter toßMy Daughter by Anna Reading; Notes; Bibliography; Index.

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