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Editors' Bios ; Contributors' Bios; List of Figures; Part I: Mediated Identities and "Arab Spring" Politics; Chapter 1: Beyond theßTechnology Debate: AßGeneral Introduction; Understanding Collective Action andßTechnology inßtheßMENA Countries; From theßPublic Sphere toßSocial Movements; Post-Islamism andßNew Social Movement; A New Journalism Paradigm?; About This Book; References; Chapter 2: Social Media, Global Communications, andßtheßArab Spring: Cross-Level andßCross-ƯMedia Story Flows; Introduction; Social Media andßGlobal Communication.

Evolution ofßCommunication Technologies andßGlobal CommunicationFour Characteristics ofßSocial Media; The Cross-Level andßCross-Media Model ofßSocial Media inßaßGlobal Context; Social Media andßtheßArab Spring; Cross-Level Story Flows; Meso-Level Communications; Story Flows fromßMicro toßMeso toßMacro; Cross-Media Story Flows; Dynamic Flow ofßStories Across Local andßGlobal; Conclusion: Implications ofßSocial Media forßGlobal Communications; References; Chapter 3: New Media andßPublic Will Mobilization inßtheßTunisian andßEgyptian Revolutions ofß2011; Introduction; Theoretical Framework.

The Transformative Communication Landscape inßtheßArab WorldNew Media andßPublic Will Mobilization inßtheßTunisian Revolution; New Media andßPublic Will Mobilization inßtheßEgyptian Revolution; Discussion andßConclusion; References; Chapter 4: Islamists andßNew Media: TheßMuslim Brotherhood Digital Presence inßEnglish; Introduction; Islamophobia andßIslamists' Image inßUS Post-9/11 Media; Political Islam andßtheßWest; The Egyptian Revolution inßContext; Data andßMethods; Results andßDiscussion; Political Participation; Islamists andßDemocracy; Human Rights Violations; Politics Under Mubarak.

MB University StudentsMB andßtheßJanuary 2011 Revolution; Conclusion; Note; References; Chapter 5: Against All Odds: Defining aßRevolutionary Identity inßSyria; Introduction; Our Understanding ofßIdentity: AßProblematic Concept; Contextualizing "Syrianity"; Competing Identities inßtheßOpposition; Back toßBasics; Rebel vs. Revolutionary; Preserving theßRevolutionary Identity; The Challenge ofßImposed Identities andßAntagonistic Aims; Military vs. Civilian; National vs. Islamic; Kurdish vs. Arab; Struggling toßKeep theßSyrian Revolutionary Identity inßGoodßShape.

The Little Town ofßKafranbel: Focusing onßtheßBasics Aleppo andßRaqqa: Focusing onßShared Markers ofßIdentity; The Palestinian Issue; Conclusion: Common Patterns, Common Aims, Common Identity?; Note; References; Part II: New Media Journalism and Political Change; Chapter 6: 25 TV: AßCase Study ofßtheßMedia During theßEgyptian Uprising; Introduction; Historical andßPolitical Context; Literature Review: TheßRole ofßSocial Media inßtheßEgyptian Uprising; 25 TV asßaßCase Study; 25 TV Programming: AßSnapshot; 25 TV News Bulletin; "Meshwar Lelmidan"-(A Trip toßtheßSquare); "Kol Youm"-(Every Day).

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