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Dedication ; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Tables; CHAPTER 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Arms Control Antecedents inßtheßNineteenth Century; Armaments Competition andßNational Interest inßtheßNineteenth Century; The Anglo-French Naval Declarations ofß1787; Rush-Bagot Agreement ofß1817; Black Sea Neutralization ofß1856; St. Petersburg Declaration ofß1868ß- "Explosive Missals"; Customary Limits onßArmaments; International Law andßSecurity inßtheßNineteenth Century; Conclusion; Outline Placeholder; Chapter 3: International Law inßtheßNineteenth Century; An International Police Force.

The Declaration ofßLondon, 1871The Context ofßInternational Law; Scholars andßOfficial Law; Sources ofßLaw andßNon-binding Agreements; The Function ofßInternational Law: "An Obstacle though not aßBarrier"; Law's Function inßIncreasing Predictability; Law's Function inßCommunicating Vital Interests; Law's Function inßStrengthening Mutual Interests; Enforcement ofßLegal Obligations and Expectations ofßWar; Legal Enforcement andßInternational Order; Conclusion; Outline Placeholder; Chapter 4: The First Hague Peace Conference; Introduction; International Law andßGeneral Disarmament.

Calling ofßtheßHague Conference ofß1899British Preparation forßtheßHague Conference; British Naval Armament Limitation Offer toßRussia; Great Britain andßDisarmament at TheßHague; Land Armaments at TheßHague; General Limitation Debates at TheßHague; Naval Armaments at TheßHague; Armaments Declarations at TheßHague; Conclusion; Outline Placeholder; Chapter 5: Naval Arms Control andßRegional Negotiations: Precedents, Issues, andßImplications; Argentine-Chilean Naval Arms Race; The Pacts ofßMay; The Pacts ofßMay andßRegional Competition; Revision ofßtheßRush-Bagot Agreement.

Naval Arms Control inßtheßNew Century: Precedents andßImplicationsConclusion; Outline Placeholder; Chapter 6: Preparations forßtheßSecond Hague Peace Conference; Introduction; The Russo-Japanese War andßtheßHague Agenda; Diplomacy Prior toßtheßSecond Hague Peace Conference; The Walton Committee andßtheßHague Agenda; The Walton Committee andßNaval Armaments; Conclusion.

The Russo-Japanese War raised many issues more appropriately han dled by limited regulations, including restrictions of naval mines and aux iliary cruisers. The government planned to utilize a number of limited regulations to check armaments, through theChapter 7: The Second Hague Peace Conference; Introduction; The Second Hague Peace Conference Proceedings; The Arms Limitation Resolution; Balloons andßAerial Bombardment; Submarine Mines; Conversion ofßMerchant Ships into Warships; Conclusion; Outline Placeholder; Chapter 8: International Law andßArmaments, 1900-1914; Introduction.

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