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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I: Objects; Chapter 1: PHP: Design and Management; The Problem; PHP and Other Languages; About This Book; Objects; Patterns; Practice; What's New in the Fifth Edition; Summary; Chapter 2: PHP and Objects; The Accidental Success of PHP Objects; In the Beginning: PHP/FI; Syntactic Sugar: PHP 3; PHP 4 and the Quiet Revolution; Change Embraced: PHP 5; PHP 7: Closing the Gap; Advocacy and Agnosticism: The Object Debate; Summary; Chapter 3: Object Basics; Classes and Objects.

A First ClassA First Object (or Two); Setting Properties in a Class; Working with Methods; Creating a Constructor Method; Arguments and Types; Primitive Types; Primitive Types Matter: An Example; Taking the Hint: Object Types; Inheritance; The Inheritance Problem; Working with Inheritance; Constructors and Inheritance; Invoking an Overridden Method; Public, Private, and Protected: Managing Access to Your Classes; Accessor Methods; The ShopProduct Classes; Summary; Chapter 4: Advanced Features; Static Methods and Properties; Constant Properties; Abstract Classes; Interfaces; Traits.

A Problem for Traits to SolveDefining and Using a Trait; Using More than One Trait; Combining Traits and Interfaces; Managing Method Name Conflicts with insteadof; Aliasing overridden trait methods; Using static methods in traits; Accessing Host Class Properties; Defining Abstract Methods in Traits; Changing Access Rights to Trait Methods; Late Static Bindings: The static Keyword; Handling Errors; Exceptions; Throwing an Exception; Subclassing Exception; Cleaning Up After try/catch Clauses with finally; Final Classes and Methods; The Internal Error Class; Working with Interceptors.

Defining Destructor MethodsCopying Objects with __clone(); Defining String Values for Your Objects; Callbacks, Anonymous Functions, and Closures; Anonymous Classes; Summary; Chapter 5: Object Tools; PHP and Packages; PHP Packages and Namespaces; Namespaces to the Rescue; Using the File System to Simulate Packages; Naming the PEAR Way; Include Paths; Autoload; The Class and Object Functions; Looking for Classes; Learning About an Object or Class; Getting a Fully Qualified String Reference to a Class; Learning About Methods; Learning About Properties; Learning About Inheritance.

Method InvocationThe Reflection API; Getting Started; Time to Roll up Your Sleeves; Examining a Class; Examining Methods; Examining Method Arguments; Using the Reflection API; Summary; Chapter 6: Objects and Design; Defining Code Design; Object-Oriented and Procedural Programming; Responsibility; Cohesion; Coupling; Orthogonality; Choosing Your Classes; Polymorphism; Encapsulation; Forget How to Do It; Four Signposts; Code Duplication; The Class Who Knew Too Much; The Jack of All Trades; Conditional Statements; The UML; Class Diagrams; Representing Classes; Attributes; Operations.

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