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Table of Contents
Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Abbreviations ; Chapter 1: Introduction; Between theßCracks: Postcolonialism, Modernism, Postmodernism; The 'Minimal Impact' andß'Shrinking Island' Theses; 'Implosions, Explosions andßSmall Sputterings': Rethinking theß'End ofßEmpire'; Multi-cultural Materialism; Notes; Bibliography; Part I: The British Abroad; Chapter 2: Decolonization andßtheßSecond World War; The 'Imperial Imaginary'; A 'Terrible Sunset': Savagery andßtheßSecond WorldßWar; William Golding andßtheßSavage Within.
'The beds i' theßEast Were No Longer Soft': Contesting Exoticism inßThe Malayan TrilogyContesting theß'Imperial Imaginary' inßKey toßtheßDoor; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 3: America Moves In: Neo-colonialism andßAmerica's 'Entertainment Empire'; 'An Empire WithoutßColonies': Anti-colonialism andßtheßRise ofßAmerica; America's 'Entertainment Empire': Americanization andßBritain's Culture Debates; 'A Portent andßaßGod': TheßCommodification ofßCulture inßThe Malayan Trilogy; 'The Voice ofßProphecy': TheßLanguage andßFashion ofßAmericanization inßThe Malayan Trilogy.
'A Charmed Life': Hollywood andßAmerican Heroism inßThe Quiet AmericanConclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Part II: Returning Home; Chapter 4: Englishness inßTransition: Moving fromßtheßImperial toßtheßNational; 'How Can One Make aßPattern OutßofßThis Muddle?': Decolonization andßtheßProblem ofßEnglishness; A 'Post-war English Mess': TheßReverse Anthropological Gaze ofßThe Right toßanßAnswer; 'A Feeble-lighted Moon ofßAmerica': National Culture andßAmericanization inßOne Hand Clapping; A 'Half English' Nation inßAbsolute Beginners; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography.
Chapter 5: Post-War Immigration andßMulticultural BritainThe Windrush Generation andßBritain's 'Enigmatic Silences'; Institutional Racism andßtheß'Noble Savage' inßCity ofßSpades; 'A Gloriously Mongrel Breed': Miscegenation andßExoticism inßCity ofßSpades; Crossing theßThreshold: TheßPower ofßHospitality inßSaturday Night andßSunday Morning andßThe Right toßanßAnswer; 'Part-familiar, Part-threatening Caricatures': Mimicry andßtheßContradictions ofßAnglicization inßThe Right toßanßAnswer; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography.
Chapter 6: Coda: Beyond Satire andßCelebration: Representing Empire inßPost-War British CultureCaricaturing Colonialism; Historicizing theß'End ofßEmpire' inßSmall Island; Notes; Bibliography; Bibliography; Index.
'The beds i' theßEast Were No Longer Soft': Contesting Exoticism inßThe Malayan TrilogyContesting theß'Imperial Imaginary' inßKey toßtheßDoor; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Chapter 3: America Moves In: Neo-colonialism andßAmerica's 'Entertainment Empire'; 'An Empire WithoutßColonies': Anti-colonialism andßtheßRise ofßAmerica; America's 'Entertainment Empire': Americanization andßBritain's Culture Debates; 'A Portent andßaßGod': TheßCommodification ofßCulture inßThe Malayan Trilogy; 'The Voice ofßProphecy': TheßLanguage andßFashion ofßAmericanization inßThe Malayan Trilogy.
'A Charmed Life': Hollywood andßAmerican Heroism inßThe Quiet AmericanConclusion; Notes; Bibliography; Part II: Returning Home; Chapter 4: Englishness inßTransition: Moving fromßtheßImperial toßtheßNational; 'How Can One Make aßPattern OutßofßThis Muddle?': Decolonization andßtheßProblem ofßEnglishness; A 'Post-war English Mess': TheßReverse Anthropological Gaze ofßThe Right toßanßAnswer; 'A Feeble-lighted Moon ofßAmerica': National Culture andßAmericanization inßOne Hand Clapping; A 'Half English' Nation inßAbsolute Beginners; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography.
Chapter 5: Post-War Immigration andßMulticultural BritainThe Windrush Generation andßBritain's 'Enigmatic Silences'; Institutional Racism andßtheß'Noble Savage' inßCity ofßSpades; 'A Gloriously Mongrel Breed': Miscegenation andßExoticism inßCity ofßSpades; Crossing theßThreshold: TheßPower ofßHospitality inßSaturday Night andßSunday Morning andßThe Right toßanßAnswer; 'Part-familiar, Part-threatening Caricatures': Mimicry andßtheßContradictions ofßAnglicization inßThe Right toßanßAnswer; Conclusion; Notes; Bibliography.
Chapter 6: Coda: Beyond Satire andßCelebration: Representing Empire inßPost-War British CultureCaricaturing Colonialism; Historicizing theß'End ofßEmpire' inßSmall Island; Notes; Bibliography; Bibliography; Index.