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1. Emmeline Pankhurst : 'The laws that men have made' (24 March 1908)
2. Vladimir Ilich Lenin : 'To the workers, everything; to the toilers, everything!' (30 August 1918)
3. Mahatma Gandhi : 'Why do we want to offer this non-cooperation?' (12 August 1920)
4. Benito Mussolini : 'We must win the peace' (25 June 1923)
5. Franklin D Roosevelt : 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself' (4 March 1933)
6. La Pasionaria : 'They shall not pass!' (19 July 1936)
7. Edward VIII : 'I lay down my burden' (11 December 1936)
8. Neville Chamberlain : 'This country is now at war with Germany' (3 September 1939)
9. Winston Churchill : 'We shall fight on the beaches' (4 June 1940)
10. Joseph Stalin : 'The issue is one of life and death for the Soviet state' (3 July 1941)
11. Joseph Goebbels : 'Let the storm break loose' (18 February 1943)
12. Heinrich Himmler : 'I am talking about ... the extermination of the Jewish people' (4 October 1943)
13. Charles de Gaulle : 'Paris outraged! Paris broken! Paris martyred! But Paris liberated!' (25 August 1944)
14. Ho Chi Minh : 'Vietnam has the right to be a free and independent country' (2 September 1945)
15. David Ben-Gurion : 'We dedicate today this Road of Valour' (12 December 1948)
16. Albert Einstein : 'Security through national armament is ... a disastrous illusion' (19 February 1950)
17. Nikita Khrushchev : 'The cult of the individual and its harmful consequences' (25 February 1956)

18. Anthony Eden : 'This is a time for action' (2 November 1956)
19. Dag Hammarskjöld : 'Without recognition of human rights we shall never have peace' (10 April 1957)
20. Harold Macmillan : 'Most of our people have never had it so good' (20 July 1957)
21. Patrice Lumumba : 'An honest, loyal, strong, popular government' (23 June 1960)
22. Ernesto 'Che' Guevara : 'To be a revolutionary you have first to have a revolution' (19 August 1960)
23. John F Kennedy : 'Ich bin ein Berliner' (26 June 1963)
24. Martin Luther King : 'I have a dream' (28 August 1963)
25. Malcolm X : 'The ballot or the bullet' (3 April 1964)
26. Betty Friedan : 'Hostility between the sexes has never been worse' (January 1969)
27. Edward Heath : 'A Europe which is free, democratic, safe and happy' (2 January 1973)
28. Richard M Nixon : 'There can be no whitewash at the White House' (30 April 1973)
29. Yasser Arafat : 'I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun' (13 November 1974)
30. Margaret Thatcher : 'The lady's not for turning' (10 October 1980)
31. Ronald Reagan : 'The aggressive impulses of an evil empire' (8 March 1983)
32. Desmond Tutu : 'Apartheid's final solution' (11 December 1984)
33. Ronald Reagan : 'Tear down this wall!' (12 June 1987)
34. Václav Havel : 'We live in a contaminated moral environment' (1 January 1990)
35. Nelson Mandela : 'On this day of my release' (11 February 1990)

36. Mary Fisher : 'AIDS virus is not a political creature' (19 August 1992)
37. Elizabeth II : 'It has turned out to be an annus horribilis' (24 November 1992)
38. Benazir Bhutto : 'The ethos of Islam is equality, equality between the sexes' (4 September 1995)
39. Bill Clinton : 'I have sinned' (11 September 1998)
40. George W Bush : 'Today, our nation saw evil' (11 September 2001)
41. Saddam Hussein : 'Iraq will be victorious' (20 March 2003)
42. Osama bin Laden : 'Our acts are reaction to your own acts' (15 April 2004)
43. Steve Jobs : 'You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart' (12 June 2005)
44. Barack Obama : 'Heroism is here, in the hearts of so many of our fellow citizens' (12 January 2011)
45. Aung San Suu Kyi : 'My country today stands at the start of a journey' (21 June 2012)
46. Malala Yousafzai : 'They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed' (12 July 2013)
47. Christine Lagarde : 'Reducing excessive inequality is not just morally and politically correct, but it is good economics' (17 June 2015)
48. Hilary Benn : 'We never have and we never should walk by on the other side of the road' (2 December 2015)
49. Hillary Clinton : 'You voted for our tomorrow to be better than our yesterday' (15 March 2016)
50. Theresa May : 'As we leave the European Union, we will forge a bold new positive role for ourselves in the world' (13 July 2016)

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