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Table of Contents
Is war a crusade?
Some expressions of a crusade approach
The convictions and logic of the crusade
Strengths and weaknesses of a crusade approach
The pacifist standpoint
Pacifism in the Christian tradition
The convictions and logic of pacifism
Strengths and weaknesses of a Christian pacifist
Just-war thinking
The Christian just-war tradition
Underlying convictions of just-war thinking
Just-war criteria
Strengths and weaknesses of Christian just-war thinking
What can we do?
General observations
Some responses Christians can make
The present international situation
Some implications for moral reflection about war.
Some expressions of a crusade approach
The convictions and logic of the crusade
Strengths and weaknesses of a crusade approach
The pacifist standpoint
Pacifism in the Christian tradition
The convictions and logic of pacifism
Strengths and weaknesses of a Christian pacifist
Just-war thinking
The Christian just-war tradition
Underlying convictions of just-war thinking
Just-war criteria
Strengths and weaknesses of Christian just-war thinking
What can we do?
General observations
Some responses Christians can make
The present international situation
Some implications for moral reflection about war.