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Introduction / Mary Lou Finley, Bernard LaFayette Jr., James R. Ralph Jr., and Pam Smith
Part I. Living the Chicago Freedom Movement
In their own voices: the story of the movement as told by the participants
Part II. Background and history
Interpreting the Chicago Freedom Movement: the last fifty years / James R. Ralph Jr
Toward the apex of civil rights activism: antecedents of the Chicago Freedom Movement, 1965-1966 / Christopher Robert Reed
Part III. The impact of the Chicago Freedom Movement
The Chicago Freedom Movement and the federal fair housing act / Leonard S. Rubinowitz
The leadership council for metropolitan open communities: Chicago and fair housing / Brian White
The North Shore Summer Project: "We're gonna open up the whole North Shore" / Gail Schechter
Tenant unions during the Chicago Freedom Movement: innovation and impact / Herman Jenkins
The Chicago Freedom Movement and the fight for fair lending / Mary Lou Finley
Martin Luther King's legacy in North Lawndale: the Dr. King Legacy Apartments and Memorial District / Kimberlie Jackson
The movement didn't stop / Jesse L. Jackson Sr.
Perspectives on the legacy of Jesse Jackson Sr. / Al Sharpton
The rise of independent Black political power in Chicago / Don Rose
Roots of the Environmental Justice Movement: a community mobilizes to end childhood lead poisoning / Sherrilynn J. Bevel
Youth and nonviolence: then and now / Pam Smith
Part IV. Stories from the Chicago Freedom Movement
Music and the movement I: music and grassroots organizing / Jimmy Collier with Allegra Malone
Music and the movement II: music for an urban movement / Gene Barge with Allegra Malone
Women in the movement I: the women of SCLC-WSCP take action / Molly Martindale
Women in the movement II: dorothy gautreaux / Hal Baron
Labor and the Chicago Freedom Movement / Gil Cornfield, Melody Heaps, and Norman Hill
Part V. Lessons learned and the unfinished work
Nonviolence and the Chicago Freedom Movement / Bernard LaFayette Jr
Movement success: the long view / Mary Lou Finley
Epilogue: nonviolence remix and today's millennials / Jonathan Lewis.

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