

I. The big picture : Democracy in the digital age / Peter Levine
Effective civics / Ethan Zuckerman
The logic of connective action: digital media and the personalization of contentious politics / W. Lance Bennett and Alexandra Segerberg
Liberated technology: inside emancipatory communication activism / Stefania Milan
Case study : "Bury until they change their ways": the Digg Patriots and/as user-generated censorship / Chris Peterson
Case study : marriage equality, Facebook profile pictures, and civic participation / Brady Robards and Bob Buttigieg
Case study : Strike Debt and the Rolling Jubilee: building a debt resistance movement / Enhardt Graeff
II. Systems + design : Re-imagining government through civic media: three pathways to institutional innovation / Beth Simone Noveck
Data visualizations break down knowledge barriers in public engagement / Sarah Williams
The partisan technology gap / David Karpf
Case study : Code for America: scaling civic engagement through open data and software design / Andrew Richard Schrock
Case study : RegulationRoom / Dmitry Epstein and Cheryl Blake
Case study : Better Reykjavik: open municipal policymaking / Derek Lackaff
Case study : The California report card version 1.0 / CITRIS Connected Communities Initiative at UC Berkeley.

III. Play + resistance : Meaningful inefficiencies: resisting the logic of technological efficiency in the design of civic systems / Eric Gordon and Stephen Walter
Let's get lost: poetic city meets data city / Beth Coleman
Superpowers to the people! How young activists are tapping the civic imagination / Henry Jenkins, Sangita Shresthova, Liana Gamber-Thompson, and Neta Kligler-Vilenchik
Case study : Mashnotes / Roy Bendor
Case study : From #destroythejoint to far-reaching digital activism: feminist revitalization stemming from social media and reaching beyond / Jessica McLean and Sophia Maalsen
Case study : The "It Gets Better Project" / Laurie Phillips Honda
Case study : Terra incognita: serendipity and discovery in the age of personalization / Catherine D'Ignazio
Case study : Innovation in the absence of a state: civic media and the inclusion of the marginalized in the Somali territories / Nicole Stremlau
IV. Learning + engagement : Capitalists, consumers, and communicators: how schools approach civic education / Renee Hobbs
Connecting pedagogies of civic media: the literacies, connected civics, and engagement in daily life / Paul Mihailidis and Roman Gerodimos
Youth agency in public spheres: emerging tactics, literacies, and risks / Elisabeth Soep
Case study : Tracking traveling paper dolls: new media, old media, and global youth engagement in the Flat Stanley Project / Katie Day Good
Case study : From website to Weibo: new media as a catalyst for activating the local communication network and civic engagement in a diverse city / Daniela Gerson, Nien-Tsu Nancy Chen, Sandra Ball-Rokeach, and Michael Parks
Case study : Becoming civic: fracking, air pollution, and environmental sensing technologies / Jennifer Gabrys, Helen Pritchard, Nerea Calvillo, Nick Shapiro, and Tom Keene.

V. Community + action : Activist DDoS, community, and the personal / Molly Sauter
Partnering with communities and institutions / Ceasar McDowell and Melissa Yvonne Chinchilla
Community media infrastructure as civic engagement / Colin Rhinesmith
Case study : The #YoSoy132 movement in Mexico / Emiliano Treré
Case Study : An #EpicFail #FTW: considering the discursive changes and civic engagement of #MyNYPD / Sarah Whitcomb Lozier
Case study : Pivot: surreptitious communications design for victims of human trafficking / Tad Hirsch
Case study : MídiaNINJA and the rise of citizen journalism in Brazil / Stuart Davis
Case study : Hacking politics: civic struggles to politicize technologies / Sebastian Kubitschko
VI. Research + funding : Revisiting the measurement of political participation for the Digital Age / Benjamin Bowyer and Joseph Kahne
Participatory action research for civic engagement / Marcus Foth and Martin Brynskov
Field-building in stages: funding and sustainability in civic innovation / Valerie Chang and Beth Gutelius
Case study : Guerrilla research tactics: alternative research methods in urban environments / Glenda Amayo Caldwell, Lindy Osborne, Inger Mewburn, and Ben Kraal
Case study : Hackathons as a site for civic IoT: initial insights / Carl DiSalvo and ken anderson
Case study : Crowdfunding civic action: Pimp My Carroça / Rodrigo Davies.

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