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Preface; Contents; Contributors; Classification of Low Dimensional 3-Lie Superalgebras; 1 Introduction; 2 Supertrace and Induced n-Lie Superalgebras; 3 Properties of Induced n-Lie Superalgebras; 4 Low Dimensional Ternary Lie Superalgebras; 5 Supermodule Over Clifford Algebra; References; Semi-commutative Galois Extension and Reduced Quantum Plane; 1 Introduction; 2 Graded q-Differential Algebra Structure of Noncommutative Galois Extension; 3 First Order Differential Calculus over Associative Unital Algebra; 4 First Order Differential Calculus of Semi-commutative Galois Extension

5 Higher Order Differential Calculus of Semi-commutative Galois Extension6 Semi-commutative Galois Extension Approach to Reduced Quantum Plane; References; Valued Custom Skew Fields with Generalised PBW Property from Power Series Construction; 1 Introduction; 2 Normed Algebras; 3 Rewriting and the Diamond Lemma; 4 The Unreasonable Usefulness of Irrationality; References; Computing Burchnall
Chaundy Polynomials with Determinants; 1 Introduction; 2 Definitions; 3 Algebraic Dependence; 4 The Determinant Construction; 5 Generalisation to Ore Extensions; References

Centralizers and Pseudo-Degree Functions1 Introduction; 1.1 Notation and Conventions; 2 Centralizers in Algebras with Degree Functions; 3 Examples; References; Crossed Product Algebras for Piece-Wise Constant Functions; 1 Introduction; 2 Definitions and a Preliminary Result; 3 Algebra of Piece-Wise Constant Functions; 3.1 Maximal Commutative Subalgebra; 4 Algebra of Piece-Wise Constant Functions on the Real Line with N Fixed Jump Points; 5 Some Examples; 5.1 Piece-Wise Constant Functions with One Jump Point; 5.2 Piece-Wise Constant Functions with Two Jump Points; References

Commutants in Crossed Product Algebras for Piece-Wise Constant Functions1 Introduction; 2 Definitions and a Preliminary Result; 3 Algebra of Piece-Wise Constant Functions on the Real Line with N Fixed Jump Points; 4 Comparison of Commutants; 4.1 An Example; 5 Description of the Center; 6 Jump Points Added into Different Intervals; 6.1 Description of SepmathcalASn(mathbbR) and the Commutant mathcalAS'; References; Asymptotic Expansions for Moment Functionals of Perturbed Discrete Time Semi-Markov Processes; 1 Introduction; 2 Perturbed Semi-Markov Processes; 3 Systems of Linear Equations

4 Convergence of Moment Functionals5 Expansions of Moment Functionals; References; Asymptotics for Quasi-stationary Distributions of Perturbed Discrete Time Semi-Markov Processes; 1 Introduction; 2 Main Result; 3 Quasi-stationary Distributions; 4 Proof of the Main Result; 5 Perturbed Markov Chains; References; Asymptotic Expansions for Stationary Distributions of Perturbed Semi-Markov Processes; 1 Introduction; 2 Laurent Asymptotic Expansions; 2.1 Definition of Laurent Asymptotic Expansions; 2.2 Operational Rules for Laurent Asymptotic Expansions; 2.3 Proofs of Lemmas10.1

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