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Part I. Foundation
Regulation of body weight
Central neural pathways and integration in the control of food intake / Gary J. Schwartz
Decreased peripheral hormonal negative-feedback control of food intake and body weight in obesity / Gerard P. Smith
Leptin and body weight / Yiying Zhang and Rudolph L. Leibel
Genetics of obesity and related traits / Ruth J. F. Loos and Rudolph L. Leibel
The epigenetics of obesity / Alexis C. Frazier-Wood and David B. Allison
Prenatal effects on body weight / Emily Oken
Taste, eating, and body weight / Linda M. Bartoshuk
Physiological adaptations following weight reduction / Michael Rosenbaum and Rudolph L. Leibel
Body composition / Nerys Astbury and Dympna Gallagher
Body composition / Nerys Astbury and Dympna Gallagher
Energy expenditure and the regulation of energy balance / Eric Ravussin
Macronutrients, energy balance, and body weight regulation / Kevin D. Hall
Cognitive neuroscience and the risk for weight gain / Eric Stice and Sonja Yokum
Body weight and neurocognitive function / Misty A. W. Hawkins and Jun Gunstad
Psychological and Social Factors
Acquisition of food preferences and eating patterns in children / Jennifer Orlet Fisher and Leann L. Birch
Parental food rules and children's eating : intended and unintended consequences / Myles S. Fiath
Prevalence and demographics of dieting / Andrew J. Hill
Impact of dieting / Dianne Neumark-Sztainer and Katie A. Loth
Weight suppression / Michael R. Lowe
Origins of binge eating : pediatric loss-of-control eating / Marian Tanofsky-Kraff
Sociocultural influences on body image and eating disturbance / Anne E. Becker
Stigma, discrimination, and obesity / Rebecca M. Puhl
Body image, obesity, and eating disorders / J. Kevin Thompson and Lauren Schaefer
Body dysmorphic disorder / Katharine A. Phillips
Does addressing obesity create risk for eating disorders? / Kendrin R. Sonneville and S. Bryn Austin
Part II. Eating disorders
Clinical characteristics of eating disorders
The history of eating disorders / Richard A. Gordon
Classification of eating disorders / B. Timothy Walsh
Anorexia nervosa / Evelyn Attia
Severe and enduring anorexia nervosa / Stephen W. Touyz and Phillipa J. Hay
Bulimia nervosa / Pamela K. Keel
Binge eating disorder / Michael J. Devlin
Binge-eating disorder / Michael J. Devlin
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder / Rachel Bryant Waugh
Night eating syndrome / Kelly C. Allison
Eating disorders in males / Theodore E. Weltzin
Medical complications of anorexia nervosa / Philip S. Mehler
Medical complications of bulimia nervosa / Philip S. Mehler
Medical complications of eating disorders in children and adolescents / Neville H. Golden
Connections between eating disorders and obesity / Marsha D. Marcus
Epidemiology and Etiology
Epidemiology of eating disorders / Hans W. Hoek
Global mental health and priorities for eating disorders / Kathleen M. Pike
Genetics of eating disorders / Cynthia M Bulik and Gerome Breen
Risk factors for eating disorders / Karina L. Allen and Ulrike Schmidt
Emotion regulation and eating disorder / Stephen A. Wonderlich and Jason M. Lavender
Disturbances of the central nervous system in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa / Laura A. Berner and Walter H. Kaye
Cognitive neuroscience and eating disorders / Joanna E. Steinglass
Treatment and prevention of eating disorders
Assessment of feeding and eating disorders / Jennifer J. Thomas
Cognitive behavior therapy and eating disorders / Christopher G. Fairburn
Interpersonal psychotherapy / Denise E. Wilfley and Dawn M. Eichen
Family therapy and eating disorders / Daniel Le Grange and Ivan Eisler
Psychopharmacological treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa / Laurel E. S. Mayer
Psychopharmacological treatment of binge eating disorder / James I. Hudson and Harrison G. Pope, Jr.
Psychological treatment of binge-eating disorder / Carlos M. Grilo
Intensive treatment of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa / Janet Treasure
Weight restoration in anorexia nervosa / Angela S. Guardo and Graham W. Redgrave
Self-help treatments for eating disorders / Robyn Sysko
Dissemination of evidence-based treatment / G. Terence Wilson
Prevention of eating disorders / Tracey D. Wade
Does advocacy for eating disorders really work? / Kitty Westin and Scott Crow

Part III. Obesity
Epidemiology and etiology of obesity
Obesity is a global issue / Tim Lobstein
Connections between undernutrition and obesity / Juan A. Rivera, Claudia Ivonne Ramirez-Silva, and Lilia S. Pedraza
Prevalence and demographics of obesity in the United States / Hannah G. Lawman and Cynthia L. Ogden
Early-life risk factors for childhood obesity / Elsie M. Taveras
Health risks associated with obesity / Adela Hruby and Frank B. Hu
Obesity in U.S. racial/ethnic populations / Shiriki K. Kumanyika
Epidemiology and causes of obesity in children and young adults / Timothy Gill
Economic causes and consequences of obesity / John Cawley
Dietary drivers of obesity / Adela Hruby and Frank B. Hu
Physical activity and prevention of obesity / Russell R. Pate and Jennifer I. Flynn
The gut microbiome and obesity / Philip Chuang and Ilseung Cho
Stress and obesity / Ashley E. Mason and Elissa S. Epel
Food, addiction, and obesity / Erica M. Schulte, Michelle A. Joyner, and Ashley N. Gearhardt
Food and addiction : reasons to be cautious / Hisham Zioddeen and Paul C. Fletcher
Clinical characteristics of obesity
Definition and classification of obesity / June Stevens
Medical complications of obesity in adults / Tirissa J. Reid and Judith Korner
Medical consequences of obesity in childhood and adolescence / William H. Dietz
Effects of weight loss on health outcomes / Rena R. Wing
Social and psychological effects of weight loss / Lucy F. Faulconbridge
Treatment of obesity
Clinical assessment of patients with obesity / Robert F. Kushner
Micronutrient composition and obesity treatment / Arne Astrup and Jennie Brand-Miller
Treatment of obesity in primary care practice / Adam G. Tsai and Thomas A. Wadden
Treatments for childhood obesity / Denise E. Wilfley and Dorothy J. Van Buren
Weight loss approaches for Black populations / Gary G. Bennett and Bryan C. Batch
Portion size and energy density / Barbara J. Rolls and Samantha M. R. Kling
Behavioral treatment of obesity / Meghan L. Butryn and Thomas A. Wadden
Pharmacological treatments for obesity / Rekha B. Kumar and Louis J. Aronne
Surgery for obesity : Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy procedures / Christopher R. Daigle and Philip R. Schauer
Surgical devices for obesity / Bruce M. Wolfe and Elizaveta Walker
The role of scalable, community-based weight management programs / Gary D. Foster, Angela Makris, and Alexis C. Wojtanowski
Exercise in the management of obesity / John M. Jakicic and Renee J. Rogers
Body image issues in obesity / David B. Sarwer
Improving maintenance of weight loss / Delia Smith West
Using digital media to address obesity / Deborah F. Tate

Obesity prevention and policy
The role of government in contributing to and addressing the obesity epidemic / Thomas A. Farley
Closing the energy gap to address obesity / Y. Claire Wang
Global efforts to address obesity / Corinna Hawkes
Are national food policies helping or hurting obesity prevention? / Marion Nestle
The role of advocacy in preventing obesity / Roberta R. Friedman
Strategies for creating obesity policy change / Margo G. Wootan
Legal approaches to addressing obesity / Jennifer L. Pomeranz
Stealth interventions for obesity : strategies for behavioral, social, and policy changes / Thomas N. Robinson
Slim by design : using the CAN approach to develop effective obesity policies / Brian Wansink
Behavioral economics and obesity / Lizzy Pope, Stephen T. Higgins, and Leonard H. Epstein
Taxes as a means for addressing obesity / Tatiana Andreyeva, Frank J. Chaloupka, and Jamie F. Chriqui
Schools, child care, and obesity policy / Marlene B. Schwartz and Meghan L. O'Connell
Addressing the influence of food marketing to children / Jennifer L. Harris
Changing physical activity environments / James F. Sallis
Food labeling and obesity / Christina A. Roberto, Neha Khandpur, and Eric M. VanEpps
The Centers for Disease Control and prevention's role as a federal agency in reversing U.S. trends in obesity / Heidi M. Blanck
Modeling the impact of public policies / Steven L. Gortmaker.

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