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Foreword; Foreword II: The Afterlife of Death ; Contents; About the Editor; Contributors; Chapter 1: Introduction; Dissection vs. Autopsy; Organization ofßtheßVolume; Part I: Evidence fromßEarly Colonial America; Part II: Evidence fromßPublic Cemeteries; Part III: Evidence fromßMedical Institutions; Part IV: Evidence fromßAlmshouse Cemeteries; References; Part I: Evidence from Early Colonial America; Chapter 2: Renaissance Anatomy inßtheßAmericas: AßBioarchaeological Perspective onßtheßEarliest Skeletal Evidence ofßAutopsy inßtheßNew World; Introduction.

Historical Context andßArchaeology ofßtheßSaint Croix Island Settlement The Practice ofßAutopsy inßRenaissance Europe; Bioarchaeological Evidence ofßAutopsy atßSaint Croix Island, 1604-1605; Discussion; Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: Evidence forßEarly Seventeenth-Century Surgery andßDissection at James Fort, Virginia; Introduction; Skeletal Evidence; JR1425C; JR2361C; JR2158X; Jamestown's First Surgeons andßTheir Tools; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: A Dissection at theßCoffeehouse? TheßPerformance ofßAnatomical Expertise inßColonial America.

Introduction: Dissection asßaßPublic Drama andßPrivate Inquiry The Archaeological Evidence forßDissection or Autopsy atßtheßWilliamsburg Coffeehouse; Colonial Medicine inßVirginia; Spaces ofßDissection Performance; Discussion; References; Part II: Evidence from Public Cemeteries; Introduction; New York African Burial Ground; Old Frankfort Cemetery; Eighth Street First African Baptist Church Cemetery; Alameda-Stone Cemetery; Newburgh Colored Burial Ground; Freedman's Cemetery; References.

Chapter 5: Partible Persons or Persons Apart: Postmortem Interventions at theßSpring Street Presbyterian Church, Manhattan Cityscapes; Extensions andßArticulations; Adult Autopsy; Infant Autopsy; Adolescent Dissection; Conclusion; References; Part III: Evidence from Medical Institutions; Chapter 6: Teachings ofßtheßDead: TheßArchaeology ofßAnatomized Remains fromßHolden Chapel, Harvard University; Introduction: Teachings ofßtheßDead; The Holden Chapel Collection; Excavation; Methods andßFrameworks; Description ofßHuman Remains fromßHolden Chapel; Overview; MNI andßDemographics.

Taphonomy Cut Marks andßEvidence ofßAnatomization; Disease andßTrauma; History ofßtheßHarvard Medical School; Curriculum; Overview; On Specimens; On theßRoles ofßBones; On theßImperfect Teachings ofßtheßDead; Reflections; Findings; Lessons; References; Chapter 7: Skeletal Evidence ofßAnatomical andßSurgical Training inßNineteenth-Century Richmond; Discovery andßInvestigation; Medical Training inßNineteenth-Century Richmond; Human Skeletal Remains; Evidence ofßAmputation, Dissection, andßSurgery; Conclusion; References; Historic References.

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