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Preface; Scientific Committee; Contents; General Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Analysis and Synthesis of Planar and Spatial Mechanisms, Linkages and Cams, Robots and Manipulators; 1 IFToMM in MMS Developments; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 MMS and Its Future Developments; 3 IFToMM and Its Role in MMS; 4 Conclusions; References and Further Reading Sources; 2 General Algorithm for Computing the Theoretical Centering Precision of the Gripping Devices; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 General Algorithm for Computing the Axial Centering Deviation; 2.1 Gripping Device Using Parallelogram Linkages.

2.2 Gripping Device Using Four-Bar Linkages3 Numerical Examples; 3.1 Gripping Device Using Parallelogram Linkages; 3.2 Gripping Device Using Four-Bar Linkage; 4 Conclusions; References; 3 Design and Development of a Heddle Shaft Mechanism for Air-Jet Weaving Machines; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials and Methods; 2.1 Requirement Elicitation; 2.2 Design and Development Process; 2.3 Mechanism Synthesis; 3 Results; 4 Conclusion; References; 4 On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design Using RRSS Motion and Axode Generation; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Design Processes and Models; 3 Example.

4 ConclusionsReferences; 5 On Approach Based on Lie Groups and Algebras to the Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Methods of the Structural Synthesis of Mechanisms; 3 An Example of Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots; 4 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 6 Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Surface Fatigue; 3 Theoretical Methods for Life Estimation; 3.1 Model A; 3.2 Model B; 3.3 Comparison of Results; 4 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References.

7 Calculation of the Contours of a Radial Double Cam Based on an Approximate Course of the 2nd Derivative of the Displacement Law of a Working LinkAbstract; 1 Introduction; 1.1 General Calculation Methodology of Cam Mechanisms in VÚTS; 2 Specification of the Assignment; 3 The Methodology of Calculation of the Production Coordinates; 4 Conclusion; References; 8 The Elastic Compression in the Contact Region of a Cam Mechanism General Kinematic Pair; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Hertzian Contact Theory; 3 Testing jig; 4 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References.

9 Design of a Legged Walking Robot with Adjustable ParametersAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Mechanism Design; 3 Numerical Simulations; 4 Conclusions; References; 10 Positioning Control of a Micro Manipulation Robot Based on Voice Command Recognition for the Microscopic Cell Operation; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Structure of a Microscopic Cell Operation System with a Micro Manipulation Robot; 3 Algorithm of Voice Command Recognition; 4 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 11 Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Spherical Ultrasonic Motor.

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