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1 Segmentation in Social Marketing: Why We Should Do It More Often that We Currently Do; Abstract; Introduction; References; Segmentation in Social Marketing; 2 An Umbrella Review of the Use of Segmentation in Social Marketing Interventions; Abstract; Introduction; Methods; Results; Discussion; Limitations and Future Research Directions; Acknowledgments; References; 3 The Importance of Segmentation in Social Marketing Strategy; Abstract; Introduction; Respecting Citizens; The Importance of Segmentation in Social Marketing; The Added Value of Segmentation Within Social Marketing.

To Segment or not to Segment? that Is the QuestionThe Importance of Segmentation in the Development and Evaluation of Social Marketing; Why Do Many Social Marketing Programs not Invest in Segmentation?; The Future of Segmentation in Social Marketing Programs; Conclusion; References; 4 Changing Times for Social Marketing Segmentation; Abstract; Introduction; Market Segmentation Basics; Social Marketing Segmentation Lags Behind; Social Marketing Segmentation in Practice; Adapting Commercial Approaches: A Targeting Tool for Social Marketers; Social Marketing in a Period of Technological Change.

ConclusionReferences; 5 How and Why Segmentation Improves ROI; Abstract; How Segmentation Inspires the Offer: Product, Price, and Place Strategies; How Segmentation Inspires Promotional Messages, Messengers, Media Channels; How Segmentation Inspires Timing and Frequency of Communications; How Segmentation Increases Return on Investment (ROI); How ROI Is Calculated; Barriers to Determining and Reporting on ROI for Social Marketers; Summary; References; Segmentation Process, Methods, and Application; 6 Segmentation in Social Marketing: Five Steps to Success; Introduction.

Segmentation and Its Application in Social MarketingThe Five-Step Segmentation Process; The Blurred Minds Social Marketing Program-Gamifying Alcohol Education; Conclusion; References; 7 Methods in Segmentation; Abstract; Introduction; Collecting Suitable Data; Extracting Segments; Selecting Suitable Segmentation Solutions; Profiling Segments; Selecting the Target Segment; Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; 8 Segmentation Using Two-Step Cluster Analysis; Abstract; Introduction; TwoStep Clustering Procedure; TwoStep Cluster Validation; TwoStep Cluster Analysis: An Alternative Solution.

Social Marketing and TwoStep Cluster Analysis: A ReviewSocial Marketing Case Study; TwoStep Cluster Validation; Examining the Segments Generated by TwoStep Cluster Analysis; Non-walking Oriented Parents; Long Distance Safety Concerned Parents; Walking-Focused Health Conscious Parents; Discussion and Conclusion; Limitations and Opportunities for Future Research; References; Segmentation in Practice; 9 Increasing Civic Engagement Through Market Segmentation; Abstract; Introduction; Why Market Segmentation Is Better Than Mass Marketing.

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