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1 Introduction to Modal Epistemology After Rationalism; References; 2 Naturalised Modal Epistemology; 2.1 Why Naturalise?; 2.2 How Revisionary Does Naturalistic Modal Epistemology Need to Be?; 2.3 What Could a Naturalised Approach to Modality Add?; 2.4 Conclusion; References; 3 Empirically-Informed Modal Rationalism; 3.1 Beyond Rationalism, But Short of Empiricism; 3.2 Neo-Aristotelian Modal Epistemology; 3.3 Real Definitions and Essence-Generating Principles; 3.4 Two Challenges for Lowe's View; 3.5 Improving on Lowe's Modal Rationalism; 3.6 Modal Rationalism or Modal Empiricism?

5.3 Epistemological Connections5.4 The Modal Route to the Epistemology of Mathematics; 5.5 The Mathematical Route to the Epistemology of Modality; 5.6 Conclusion: Rationalism and Empiricism; References; 6 Modal Knowledge: Beyond Rationalism and Empiricism; 6.1 The Epistemology of Modality; 6.2 Conceivability in the Context of Rationalism; 6.2.1 Descartes and Arnauld; 6.2.2 The Problem of A posteriori Necessities; 6.2.3 Modal Rationalism; 6.2.4 Criticisms of Conceivability-Based Rationalism; 6.2.5 Deductive Rationalism and the Gap Between Possibility and Consistency.

6.3 The Threat of Anti-realism Within Empiricism6.4 Empiricism, Existentialism, and Essentialism; 6.5 Entanglement; References; 7 Extending Modal Vision; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 The Logic of Possibility; 7.3 From This Is Possible to That Is Possible; 7.4 Sharpening the Modal Tool; 7.5 Why Is There Anything?; 7.6 What Is the Source of All?; 7.7 What Composes What?; 7.8 Conclusion; References; 8 Personal Identity Without Too Much Science Fiction; 8.1 Thought Experiments, Possibility, and Empiricism; 8.2 Imagination and Puzzles About Imagination; 8.3 No Solution for Hume.

8.4 Revising the Humean Picture8.4.1 Identities as Non-pictorial Content; 8.4.2 Imagining Identities and Possibility; 8.4.3 Generating Possibilities with Non-pictorial Content; 8.5 Conclusions; References; 9 Modal Conventionalism and Textbook Analyticities; 9.1 A Story; 9.2 Assessing the Story; 9.3 Putnam's Externalism; 9.4 From `Water' to `Bachelor'; 9.5 The Fate of Modal Conventionalism; 9.6 Conclusion; References; 10 Modal Knowledge, Evolution, and Counterfactuals; 10.1 Explaining Modal Knowledge; 10.2 Logic and Modal Logic; 10.3 Counterfactuals; 10.4 From Counterfactuals to Modals.

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