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Foreword; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Editors; Introduction; Access and Benefi t Sharing for Sustainable Development; Decentralized Governance for Sustainable Development; Biodiversity for Sustainable Livelihood; Part I: Access and Benefit Sharing for Sustainable Development; Chapter 1: International andßNational Framework onßAccess andßBenefit Sharing; 1.1 Introduction; 1.1.1 Genetic Resources; 1.1.2 Traditional Knowledge; 1.1.3 Access andßBenefit Sharing (ABS) forßSustainable Development; 1.2 Access andßBenefit Sharing: International Scenario.

1.2.1 Convention onßBiological Diversity (CBD)1.2.2 International Treaty onßPlant Genetic Resources forßFood andßAgriculture (ITPGRFA); 1.2.3 The International Union forßtheßProtection ofßNew Varieties ofßPlants (UPOV); 1.2.4 Trade-Related Aspects ofßIntellectual Property Rights ofßtheßWorld Trade Organization (WTO/TRIPs); 1.3 Access andßBenefit Sharing: Indian Scenario; 1.3.1 Biological Diversity Act 2002; National Biodiversity Authority (NBA); The State Biodiversity Boards (SBBs); Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs).

1.3.2 Protection ofßPlant Varieties andßFarmers' Rights Actß20011.3.3 Patents Law inßIndia; 1.3.4 Geographical Indications ofßGoods (Registration andßProtection) Act, 1999; 1.3.5 The Trade Marks Act 1999; 1.3.6 National Intellectual Property Rights Policy 2014; 1.3.7 Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL); 1.4 Conclusion; References; Chapter 2: Access andßBenefit Sharing Mechanism under theßMultilateral System ofßtheßInternational Treaty onßPlant Genetic Resources forßFood andßAgriculture; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 International Treaty onßPlant Genetic Resources forßFood andßAgriculture.

2.2.1 Multilateral System ofßAccess andßBenefit Sharing (Article 10)2.2.2 Coverage ofßtheßMLS (Article 11); Food Crops; Forage Crops; 2.2.3 Facilitated Access toßPGRFA within theßMLS (Article 12); 2.2.4 Benefit Sharing inßtheßMLS (Article 13); Nonmonetary Benefits; Exchange ofßInformation; Access toßandßTransfer ofßTechnology; Capacity Building; Monetary Benefits; 2.2.5 Access andßBenefit Sharing Mechanism; 2.2.6 Benefit Sharing Fund; 2.2.7 Options forßBenefit Sharing under SMTA; Rate andßModalities ofßPayment under Article 6.7 ofßSMTA. Rate andßModalities ofßAlternative Payment Scheme underßArticle 6.11 ofßSMTA which is anßOption forßCrop-Based Payment2.3 Access toßPGRFA asßper theßProvisions ofßtheßTreaty inßIndia; 2.4 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: Contributions ofßtheßCorporate Sector toßSustainable Development; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Biodiversity Conservation andßSustainable Utilisation; 3.3 Nagoya Protocol onßAccess andßBenefit-Sharing Mechanism; 3.4 Biological Diversity Act 2002 andßBiological Diversity Rules 2004; 3.4.1 Notification onßABS; 3.5 Equitable Sharing ofßBenefits: Case Studies.

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