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Table of Contents
Preface; Acknowledgement; Contents; Abstract; 1 Introduction; Abstract; 1.1 Occupational Accidents and Injuries; 1.1.1 Manufacturing Industry; 1.2 Types of Accidents; 1.3 Types of Fall; 1.3.1 Elevated Fall; 1.3.2 Same-Level Fall; 1.4 Slip-and-Fall Approaches; 1.4.1 Epidemiology Approach; 1.4.2 Biomechanics Approach; 1.4.3 Tribological Approach; 1.4.4 Human-Centered Approach; References; 2 Factors Leading to Slip-and-Fall Incidents; Abstract; 2.1 Seven Factors of Slip-and-Fall; 2.2 Leading Factors by Rank; References.
3 The Relationship Between Coefficient of Friction (COF) with Floor Slipperiness and RoughnessAbstract; 3.1 Measuring Device; 3.2 Test Condition; 3.3 Friction and Roughness Measurement; 3.4 Floor Slipperiness Measurement; 3.5 Floor Roughness Versus COF; References; 4 Human Perception of Slipperiness Through Measured COF; Abstract; 4.1 Method of Analysis; 4.2 Subjective Score Under Different Surface Conditions; 4.3 Subjective Score on Different Types of Floor; 4.4 Correlation Between Perceived Slipperiness and COF; References; 5 Conclusion; Abstract.
5.1 Significance to the Researchers or Academician5.2 Significance to the Industrial Practitioners; 5.3 Recommendations for Future Work.
3 The Relationship Between Coefficient of Friction (COF) with Floor Slipperiness and RoughnessAbstract; 3.1 Measuring Device; 3.2 Test Condition; 3.3 Friction and Roughness Measurement; 3.4 Floor Slipperiness Measurement; 3.5 Floor Roughness Versus COF; References; 4 Human Perception of Slipperiness Through Measured COF; Abstract; 4.1 Method of Analysis; 4.2 Subjective Score Under Different Surface Conditions; 4.3 Subjective Score on Different Types of Floor; 4.4 Correlation Between Perceived Slipperiness and COF; References; 5 Conclusion; Abstract.
5.1 Significance to the Researchers or Academician5.2 Significance to the Industrial Practitioners; 5.3 Recommendations for Future Work.