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Dedication ; Contents; Contributors; Introduction: Walt's Hero Journey; Part 1: "We Tried to Poison You": Breaking Evil; Chapter 1: What's Stopping Me: Breaking Bad andßVirtue Ethics; Miltonic Ethics; Sin Versus Vice: Two Traditions; Notes; Chapter 2: Eichmann inßAlbuquerque; "Stay Out ofßMy Territory & ; "Oh Well, Heil Hitler, Bitch!"; "It Is theßPurest, Most Chemically Sound Product onßtheßMarket, Anywhere & ; "I Woke Up. IßFound Her. That's All IßKnow & ; "You Are Not theßGuy & ; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 3: Empathy andßEvil: Drug-Dealing Murderers Are People Too; Stein's Account ofßEmpathy.

Merleau-Ponty's Concept ofßtheßPhenomenal Body andßOther SubjectsThe Ethical Component ofßEmpathy; Conclusion; Notes; Part 2: "I Am the One Who Knocks": The Shadow of Death and the Meaning of Life; Chapter 4: In theßShadow ofßtheßSickness Unto Death: Walter White's Transformation into theßKnight ofßMeth; From theßSickness Unto Death toßFinding theßDrug Lord inßtheßDesert; Adapting inßtheßShadow ofßUncertainty; The Mysterious Conjunction ofßLove andßDeath; Toward theßAlchemy ofßBreaking Bad; From Love inßDespair toßtheßLove ofßDespair: Heisenberg andßtheßDanger Participation Mystique.

ConclusionNotes; Chapter 5: Death Is Easy If You're Dead; Death Date Certain; Walter, YoußCan't Take It withßYou; The Deconstruction ofßtheßUnsaid: Care; Immortal or Eternal; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 6: Cosmic Justice inßBreaking Bad: Can Sociopaths andßAntiheroes Lead Meaningful Lives?; Cosmic andßTerrestrial Meaning; Hard Meaning-Subjectivism; Soft Meaning-Subjectivism; Theistic Theories; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 7: Law andßMorality inßBreaking Bad: TheßAesthetics ofßJustice; Walt Fought theßLaw; There's What's Right andßThere's What's Right; The Emergence ofßPositivism.

Walt's Positively WrongProblems ofßJustice; The Transcendent, Aesthetic Justice ofßBreaking Bad; Part 3: "I Will Put You Under the Jail": The Tragedy of Breaking Bad; Chapter 8: The Crumbling Patriarchy andßTriumphant Feminist Ethic ofßCare inßBreaking Bad; "Who's inßCharge? Me"; "A Man Provides"; "Someone Has toßProtect This Family fromßtheßMan Who Protects This Family"; "I'm Not Your Wife. I'm Your Hostage"; "Live Free or Die"; "We Make Poison forßPeople Who Don't Care"; "The Clinching Interlocking Claws, aßLiving, Fierce, Gyrating Wheel"; Notes.

Chapter 9: What Bad Is Not: Breaking Bad, Apophatic andßDramaturgic Continua fromßCreator toßViewer, andßaßPoetics ofßtheß Philosophy ofßReligionThe Existence ofßGod; Poetics ofßtheßProblem ofßEvil andßGilligan's Theodicy: Raising theßStakes; Overlap ofßScientism andßReligious Literalism; Negative Theology: Antidote toßReductionism? AßPath ofßRedemptive Tragedy?; Full-on Immersion inßDefeat: TheßInitiation ofßTragedy; A Moral Aesthetic andß"The Monster" ofßtheßImagination: AßSettlement Between Secular andßReligious Ethics; Strategies forßNot Succumbing toßReduction.

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