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Preface; Contents; About the Editors; Part I: Tropical Cyclone Impact and Early Warning System; Collaborative Mechanism for Tropical Cyclone Monitoring and Prediction over North Indian Ocean; 1 Introduction; 2 Current Status of TC Forecasting in India; 2.1 Early Warning System in TC Forecasting; 2.2 TC Analytical Procedure; 2.3 TC Forecasting; 2.3.1 Adverse Weather Forecasting; 2.4 TC Forecast Accuracy; 3 International and National Collaborations in Early Warning Mechanism; 3.1 Observational System; 3.2 Data Exchange and Automation; 3.3 NWP Guidance; 3.4 Warning Dissemination.

3.5 Research and Development3.5.1 Forecast Demonstration Project; 3.6 Capacity Building; 4 Conclusions and Future Scope; References; Hydro-Meteorological Aspects of Tropical Cyclone Phailin in Bay of Bengal in 2013 and the Assessment of Rice Inundation due to Flooding; 1 Introduction; 2 TC Phailin Track; 3 Rainfall due to TC, Phailin; 3.1 Rainfall Monitoring Process of IMD; 3.2 Rainfall Estimates Based on Point Raingauge Stations; 3.3 QPE Based on Merged Data Set of Raingauge and Satellite; 3.4 Radar Based QPE; 4 Synoptic Environment Related to Rainfall due to Phailin.

5 HWRF Model Performance6 Assessment of Rice Inundation Area; 7 Conclusions; References; Spatial Verification of Rainfall Forecasts During Tropical Cyclone `Phailin;́ 1 Introduction; 2 NWP Models at NCMRWF; 3 Data and Methodology; 4 Observed and Forecast Track; 5 Results and Discussion; 5.1 Wind and Rainfall After the Landfall of TC; 5.2 Verification of Rainfall Forecasts During 14 and 15 October Using CRA Method; 5.3 Verification of QPF Statistics; 6 Summary; References; Diagnostics of Upper Level Dynamics and Rainfall Asymmetry of Very Severe Cyclonic Storm MADI (2013); 1 Introduction.

2 Data and Methodology3 Results and Discussions; 3.1 Synoptic History of VSCS MADI; 3.2 Environmental Influences on the Intensity of VSCS MADI
VWS and SST; 3.3 EFC Changes vis-a-vis Intensity Change of VSCS MADI; 3.4 Structural Variations of VSCS MADI
Rainfall Asymmetry Analysis; 4 Conclusion; References; The Role of Information System in Data/Product/Warning Dissemination and Future Improvements; 1 Introduction; 2 Information System of IMD; 3 Bulletin Issued During Cyclone Period; 3.1 Tropical Weather Outlook; 3.2 Special Tropical Weather Outlook; 3.3 Tropical Cyclone Advisories.

3.4 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)3.5 Tropical Cyclone Advisories for Aviation; 3.6 Bulletin for India Coast; 3.7 Wind Forecast for Different Quadrants; 3.8 TC Vital; 3.9 Cone of Uncertainty Forecast; 4 SMS; 5 Access/Utilization of Information System During Cyclone Period; 6 Conclusions and Future Scope; References; Management of Post-landfall Riverine Flooding; 1 Introduction; 2 Post-landfall Riverine Flooding; 3 Present Status of Observational Network; 4 Issues Identified to Address Post-landfall Riverine Flooding.

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