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About the Author; List of Figures ; 1: Introduction; References; 2: What Is Sad Music?; Theoretical Issues; Defining 'Sadness' inßtheßContext ofßMusic; What Makes Music Sad toßtheßListener?; References; 3: The Philosophical Debate; Why WeßLike Music; The Paradox ofßOur Attraction toßSad Music; Compensatory or Functional Explanations; Organicist Explanations; Conversionary Explanations; The Flaws inßtheßPhilosophical Arguments; References; 4: Physiological Effects ofßSad Music; The Role ofßPhysiological Responses inßEmotions.

Physiological Changes inßResponse toßMusic andßSad Music General Responses toßMusic; What About Sad Music?; Do WeßExperience Real Sadness inßResponse toßSad Music?; References; 5: A Historical Overview ofßMusic andßMood Regulation; Music inßMood Regulation inßAncient Cultures; The Medieval Period; The Renaissance andßElizabethan Era; Baroque Period, Classicism andßtheßEnlightenment; The Thread Throughout History; References; 6: The Role ofßSad Music inßMood Regulation; Mood Management Theories inßtheßModern Day; References; 7: Individual Differences inßthe Attraction toßSad Music.

Individual Differences andßMusic The Dissociation Theory ofßEmotion inßAesthetic Contexts; Imagination, Empathy andßOpenness toßExperience; An Empirical Investigation ofßIndividual Differences inßLiking Sad Music; Are WeßAttracted toßSad Music Even When WeßDon't 'Like' It?; A Summary ofßtheßEmpirical Evidence Thus Far; References; 8: Mood Regulation Disorders: AnßException toßMood Management Theory?; A Breakdown inßMood Regulation Processes; Experimental Evidence ofßtheßEffect ofßSad Music onßMood; Levels ofßAwareness ofßtheßEffect ofßSad Music onßMood.

Further Exploring Individual Differences inßAwareness Same Intentions, Different Outcomes; References; 9: Musical Prescriptions: Do They Work?; The Precedents forßMusical Prescriptions; The Search forßAßMethodological Compromise; The Effects ofßListening to Researcher-'Prescribed' Music; The Mechanisms ofßAffective Impact; How Listeners Adapt theßMusic toßSuit Desired Outcomes; Prescribed Music or Consciousness-Raising Tasks?; References; 10: Listening Context: Group Rumination andßEmotional Contagion; Music asßaßSocial Activity; Music andßGroup Rumination.

How Do theßSocial Circumstances ofßListening Influence theßImpact ofßSad Music?References; 11: Nostalgia andßMixed Emotions inßResponse toßMusic; What are Mixed Emotions?; What is Nostalgia?; Nostalgia andßSad Music; Nostalgia andßRumination; References; 12: The Addiction ofßLove: Sad Music andßHeartbreak; Love Songs inßPopular Music; Evolutionary Links Between Music andßLove; Love andßSad Songs; Love andßLonging inßMusic; Does Music Help Us Cure theßAddiction?; References; 13: The Role ofßSad Music inßGrief; What is Grief?; Vocal andßMusical Expressions ofßGrief.

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