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Preface; Contents; Part I Subduction Zone Earthquake; Progress in the Project for Development of GPS/Acoustic Technique Over the Last 4Years; 1 Introduction; 2 Moored Buoy System; 3 Autonomous Surface Vehicle; 4 Tohoku-oki Earthquake; 5 Summary; References; Interplate Coupling in and Around the Rupture Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (M9.0) Before Its Occurrence Based on Terrestrial and Seafloor Geodetic Observations; 1 Introduction; 2 Data; 3 Analysis; 3.1 Method; 3.2 Numerical Test; 4 Results and Discussion; 4.1 Estimated Back Slip Distribution; References

Geodetic and Geomorphic Evaluations of Earthquake Generation Potential of the Northern Sumatran Fault, Indonesia1 Introduction; 2 GPS Observations and Results; 3 Fault Trace Based on Satellite Image Interpretation; 4 Geomorphic Field Observations; 5 Conclusions and Future Works; References; Part II Geodetic Observations of the Earthquake Deformation Cycle; Virtual Quake: Statistics, Co-seismic Deformations and Gravity Changes for Driven Earthquake Fault Systems; 1 Introduction; 2 Virtual Quake Simulator; 3 Surface Patterns; 3.1 Gravity Green's Functions

3.2 Displacement Green's Functions and InSAR4 Virtual California Forecasts ; 4.1 Weibull Distribution; 4.2 Northern California Forecast M ≥7.0; 4.3 Comparing to Independent Method; 5 Conclusions and Discussion; References; Dynamic Strain in a South African Gold Mine Produced by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake; 1 Introduction; 2 Observations; 3 In Situ Sensor Calibration; 4 Observation Summaries; 5 Preliminary Strain Analyses Around the Fault; 6 Conclusions; References; Twenty-Two Years of Combined GPS Products for Geophysical Applications and a Decade of Seismogeodesy; 1 Project Overview

2 Data Products (ESDRs) Generation3 Examples of SESES Data Product Applications; 3.1 Earthquake Cycle Deformation; 3.2 Transient Deformation: Detection of Episodic Tremor and Slip; 3.3 Seismogeodesy: Rapid modeling of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake; 4 Data Accessibility; References; Earthquake Cycles on the San Andreas Fault System in Northern California; 1 Introduction; 2 Proposed Model; 3 Seismicity; 4 Discussion; References; Rheological Structure Beneath NE Japan Inferred from Coseismic Strain Anomalies Associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake (Mw9.0); 1 Introduction

2 FEM Model3 Results; 3.1 Rheological Model Beneath the OBR; 3.2 Rheological Structure Beneath the FSCZ; 4 Discussion; 5 Conclusions; References; Paradoxical Vertical Crustal Movement Along the Pacific Coast of Northeast Japan; 1 Introduction; 2 An Earthquake Cycle Model; 2.1 Formulation; 2.2 Model Setup; 3 Results and Discussion; References; Forecasting Earthquakes with the Virtual Quake Simulator: Regional and Fault-Partitioned Catalogs; 1 Introduction; 2 Virtual Quake: A Technical Overview; 3 Extended Catalogs: Regional Forecasts; 4 Data Partitioning: Faultwise Forecasts

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