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Acknowledgments; Notes on Editors and Contributors; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: The 2014 European Parliament Elections: Still Second Order?; "This Time It Is Different"; European Parliament Elections asßSecond-Order Elections; The 2014 EP Elections asß"Something Different"; The Concept ofßEuroscepticism; The Evolution ofßEuroscepticism, 2008-2014; The Rest ofßtheßBook; Bibliography; Chapter 2: The 2014 EP Election andßFrench Oppositions toßtheßEU Since 1979: Evolution andßInfluence; Thirty Years ofßEuroscepticism inßFrance.

The Limited Development ofßParty-Based Opposition toßtheßEU inßtheß1980sThe 1990s: AßStepping Stone forßOpposition; The EU asßaßSalient Political Issue; Explicative Factors; The 2014 EP Election inßPerspective; Radicalizing Opponents' Discourses; The 2014 Electoral Results; The Role ofßtheßElectoral Rules ofßFrench EP Elections; Newness andßContinuity ofßtheß2014 EP Election; Discussion; Bibliography; Chapter 3: German Euroscepticism: Alternative für Deutschland inß2014; The Emergence ofßtheßAlternative für Deutschland; Why Did Germans Vote forßtheßAfD?; Euroscepticism or Currency Scepticism.

Anti-immigration AttitudesProtest Against theßPolitical Establishment; Dissatisfaction withßtheßPerformance ofßtheßGerman Government; Which Factors Drove theßAfD Vote?; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: British Eurosceptic Votingßin 2014: Anti-EU or Anti-Government?; Introduction; The Question ofßEurope inßBritish Politics; The Campaign Environment inß2014; Voting forßUKIP inßtheß2014 EP Elections; Conclusions; Appendix; References; Chapter 5: The Italian 2014 EP Election: AßRoute toßEuroscepticism?; Introduction; Euroscepticism andßEP Elections History inßItaly.

From Permissive Consensus toßEuroscepticismThe Italian Political Landscape inß2014; The Eurosceptic Northern League; Conclusions; References; Chapter 6: Central andßEast European Euroscepticismß in 2014: Domestic Politics Matter!; Introduction; Why Parties Are Eurosceptic: Domestic Complexity; The EU inßCEE Domestic Politics; Public Opinion about theßEU inßCEE; EP Elections inßCEE Countries; EP Elections 2014: Turnout; EP Elections 2014: Party Results; Visegrád Countries; Baltics; South-East Europe; Conclusion; References.

Chapter 7: Nordic Eurosceptic Votingßin 2014: Denmark, Norway, andßSwedenThe EU inßEU Elections; Conceptualizing Euroscepticism; Measuring Euroscepticism; Analyzing Euroscepticism; Economic Euroscepticism; Sovereignty-based Euroscepticism; Democratic Euroscepticism; Social Euroscepticism; Protest Voting; Hard Euroscepticism; Nordic Public Euroscepticism; Nordic Party-Based Euroscepticism; Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Discussion; References; Chapter 8: Netherlandsß2014 EP Voting Patterns: FromßEuphile toßEurosceptic; Introduction; Turning Sour?; EU Attitudes: Multiple Dimensions.

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