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Acknowledgments; Contents; Chapter 1: Indigenous Women's Movements: AnßIntersectional Approach toßStudying Social Movements; 1 Indigenous Movements inßLatin America; 2 Indigenous Women andßGender Dynamics inßIndigenous Movements; 3 How WeßStudy Indigenous Women's Mobilization; 3.1 An Intersectional Analysis ofßSocial Movements; 3.2 Explaining theßEmergence ofßIndigenous Women's Movements; 3.2.1 Opening/Closing ofßSocial Movements toßIndigenous Women's Discourse; 3.2.2 Boundary-Making Within Gender-Mixed Organizations; 3.2.3 Ethnicity, Class, andßGender inßMovement Identity.

3.2.4 Role ofßExternal Actors4 Our Case Comparison; Notes; References; Part I: Bolivia; Chapter 2: Indigenous Movements Merge into Party andßState Politics; 1 Race/Ethnicity inßTwentieth-Century Bolivia; 2 An Indigenous Party inßPower; 3 The Indigenous Movement; 4 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 3: Indigenous Women Transform theß Politics ofßRepresenting Women; 1 Women's Organizing ThroughßDifferent Processes andßCollective Identities; 1.1 The Confederación Nacional De Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias De Bolivia "Bartolina Sisa."

1.2 Confederación Sindical De Mujeres De Comunidades Interculturales De Bolivia1.3 The Confederación Nacional De Mujeres Indígenas DeßBolivia; 1.4 Consejo Nacional De Ayllus y Markas Del Qullasuyu; 2 The Agency ofßOrganized Indigenous Women; 2.1 Gains andßVictories; 2.2 Tensions andßConflicts; 3 Conclusion; Notes; References; Part II: Mexico; Chapter 4: Indigenous Self-Determination: FromßNational Dialogues toßLocal Autonomies; 1 Race/Ethnicity inßtheßTwentieth-Century Mexico; 1.1 Mestizaje andßIndigenismo; 1.2 Neoliberal Reforms, Popular Discontent, andßIntermediation Channels.

2 The Contemporary Indigenous Movement2.1 The Zapatista Movement; 3 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 5: Indigenous Women's Struggle forßAutonomy; 1 Organizational Forms andßProcesses; 1.1 Asociación Mexicana de Mujeres Organizadas en Red; 1.2 Indigenous Women andßtheßZapatista Movement; 1.3 Women within ANIPA andßCNI; 1.4 Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas; 2 The Agency ofßOrganized Indigenous Women; 3 Conclusion; Notes; References; Part III: Peru; Chapter 6: The "Exceptional Case" No Longer SoßExceptional; 1 Race/Ethnicity inßTwentieth-Century Peru.

2 The Peruvian Indigenous Movement3 Coordinating Political Action; 4 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 7: Indigenous Women Strengthen theßIndigenous Movement; 1 Organizational Forms andßProcesses; 1.1 A Case ofßStrong Institutionalization inßaßMixed-Gender Organization inßtheßAmazon: AIDESEP; 1.2 The Oldest Peasant Confederation Challenged fromßtheßInside: CCP/CONACAMI-CAOI/FEMUCARINAP; 1.3 A Women-Only Indigenous Organization: ONAMIAP; 2 The Political Agency ofßOrganized Indigenous Women; 2.1 Exclusion(s) andßViews onßFeminism; 3 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter 8: Conclusion.

