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Embryonic Development of the Human Lens
Human Visual Development
Anatomy and Physiology of the Crystalline Lens
Etiology of Pediatric Lens Diseases
Epidemiology of Pediatric Cataracts
Classification and Morphology of Pediatric Cataracts
Overview of Pediatric Cataract Treatments
History Taking and Specialized Examination of Lens Diseases in Children
Perioperative Challenges and Solutions in the Management of Children with Cataracts
General Anesthesia in Pediatric Lens Surgery
Care of Pediatric Lens Surgery
Pediatric Cataract Extraction
Calculation and Selection of Intraocular Lens Power for Children
Selection of Intraocular Lenses for Children
Pediatric Intraocular Lens Implantation
Cataract Surgery in Children with Anomalies of Uvea
Ectopia Lentis in Children
Cataract Surgery in Children with Preexisting Posterior Capsular Defects
Surgery of Congenital Cataracts Associated with Persistent Fetal Vasculature
Pediatric Cataract Surgery in Microphthalmic Eyes
Lens Trauma in Children
Intraoperative Complications and Management
Postoperative Complications and Management
Prevention and Management of Pediatric Secondary Cataracts
Reposition, Explantation, and Exchange of Intraocular Lenses
Postoperative visual rehabilitation in children with lens diseases
Quality of Life Assessment in Children with Lens Anomalies.

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