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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; Introduction; Foreword; Chapter 1: Installation Problems; Node. Js; Problems with NPM; Proxy; SSL; Problems with Git; Proxy; Git protocols; Online installation; Preparation; Hard cases; Access to Tar; Installing NpmBox; Installing Packages; Chapter 2: The Components of an Application; The Package Manager; Libraries and Frameworks; Basis Libraries of the Server; Client Page Libraries; Unit Tests; Principles; Web Apps; Web sites; Stateless HTML; The User Experience; Summary; Chapter 3: Introduction to Node; Elementary in JavaScript.

Installation and ConfigurationConfiguration in package.json; Initialize the Node Application; Approach under Linux; Start a Node Application; Automatic Restart; Approach under Windows; The first Application; Packages; Install Packages; Provide a Server Application; The simplest Server; A Server with Express; Handling Requests; Introduction to Routing; Architecture of the Application; Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls; Dynamic HTML; Sending HTML Files; Restriction of Verbs; Handling Form Data; Processing Form Data; Handling Querystring; The complete Application; The Application server.js.

The Starting Script start.jsThe Routing Functions router.js; The Business Logic handler.js; Template of the HTML Page home.html; Summary; Chapter 4: The Most Important Node Modules; Global Modules; Timer; setTimeout; clearTimeout; setInterval; clearInterval; unref; ref; setImmediate / clearImmediate; Global Objects; global; process; console; Buffer; require; __filename; __dirname; module; exports; HTTP and HTTPS; Basics; Fields; Methods; Classes; http.Server; Methods for http.Server; The class http.ServerResponse; Class http.ClientRequest; http.IncomingMessage; HTTPS; Handling Files and Paths.

Access to the File SystemFunctions for the File Access; Functions for handling Streams; Chapter 5: Introduction to Express; Installation; Application structure; The express generator; LESS or SASS; Routing in Node application; Routing in Express; RESTful; The Express Router; An example application; Middleware
the mediator layer; Basic routes; The Router Middleware (router.use()); Structure Routes; Routes with Parameters (/hello/:id); Router Middleware for Parameters (.param); Several Routes (app.route()); Chapter 6: Introduction to Pug; Overview; Preparation; Application structure.

Pug viewsHandling Partial Views; Handling Layout Pages; npm start; Chapter 7: Language Components of Pug; Doctype; Short Spellings; Own Doctypes; Options; Attributes; Not coded Attribute; Logical Attributes; Style Attributes; & Attributes; Handling CSS Classes; The Class Attribute; The Class Literal; ID Literal; Instructions; Definition by Cases (case); Forwarding to the next Case; Extension of Blocks; Conditions (if); Iterations; each; while; JavaScript Code; Unbuffered Codes; Buffered Codes; Buffered and not coded Codes; Unbuffered Codes; Buffered Code; Buffered and not coded Codes.

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