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Chapter 1: Spaceports: AßPrimer; What is aßSpaceport?; What Happens at aßSpaceport?; Suborbital vs. Orbital; Purpose ofßthis Brief; Structure ofßthis Brief; Chapter 2: Spaceports: AßDefinition andßBrief History; Spaceports inßScience Fiction; Basic Spaceport Facilities; Spaceport History andßDevelopment inßtheßUnited States; Spaceport Development; Spaceport History andßDevelopment inßRussia; Kapustin Yar; Baikonur; Plesetsk; Vostochny; Spaceport History andßDevelopment inßChina; Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center; Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.

Xichang Satellite Launch Center Wenchang Satellite Launch Center; Spaceports Around theßWorld; Guyana Space Center; Satish Dhawan Space Center; Andøya Space Center; References; Chapter 3: The Regulatory Environment; International Treaties; Spaceport Policy Country by Country; Safety; Spaceport Risk Management; Role ofßtheßCommercial Space Launch Act; International Traffic onßArms Regulations; References; Chapter 4: Control Centers andßAirspace; Role ofßtheßFAA; FAA Planning Process; Launch Monitoring; Integrating Launch Vehicles intoßtheßNational Airspace System.

Suborbital Reusable Launch Vehicles Launch/Takeoff; Ascent; ATC fromßtheßSurface toßaßHigh-Altitude STC; ATC During Initial Ascent; Final Ascent Through aßSTC; Ascent Through STC fromßtheßSurface; Re-Entry; Descent Through theßNAS andßLanding; Coordinating Traffic andßOperational Variables; Flight Testing Overview; Next Steps; References; Chapter 5: Spacecraft andßLaunch Vehicles; Orbital Vehicles; United States; Russia; China; India; Suborbital Vehicles; SpaceShipTwo; Blue Origin; Chapter 6: Payload Processing, Testing andßIntegration; Payload Integration Administration.

Payload Testing and Integration Step by Step Payload Preparation and Integration Phase by Phase; Spaceport Support Requirements; Payload Characteristics; Structural Interfaces; Environmental Conditions; Electrical Power Interfaces; Electromagnetic Compatibility; Payload Services andßFacilities; Chapter 7: Passenger Training andßTraining Facilities; Altitude Physiology andßHAI; Spacesuit Indoctrination; Acceleration Physiology; Space Motion Sickness; Perception; Parabolic Flight; Reference; Chapter 8: Point-to-Point Transportation; Spaceport Location; PTP Challenges.

Thermal Protection System Super-Density Operations; Passenger Accommodation; High Altitude Winds; Environmental Impact; PTP Market; References; Chapter 9: Spaceports Around theßWorld; Spaceport America; Spaceport Sweden; Mojave Spaceport; Baikonur Spaceport; Plesetsk Spaceport; Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport; Spaceports inßDevelopment: Houston; Partners; Spaceports inßDevelopment: Caribbean Spaceport; Alternative Revenue Streams #1: Tangential Space-Related Markets; Alternative Revenue Streams #2: Space-Related Markets; Reference.

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