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Chemical Composition of Fe-Mn NodulesConclusions; References; 3 Fractal Properties of Coarse/Fine-Related Distribution in Forest Soils on Colluvium; Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Study Area; Field Observations and Sampling; Results and Discussion; Soil Macro-morphology; Fractal Properties of the c/f-Related Distribution; Calcic Chernozem; Luvic Phaeozem; Luvic Gleyic Phaeozem; Conclusions; References; Assessment of Resources and Risks; 4 The Last Steppes: New Perspectives on an Old Challenge; Abstract; A Perfect Storm; New Perspectives; A Totally Unexpected Success

Global Assessment of Land DegradationThe State of the Steppes; Acknowledgments; References; 5 Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Parameterisation of Eroded Chernozem; Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 6 Pedo-geochemical Assessment of a Holsteinian Occupation Site; Abstract; Introduction; Archaeological Context; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 7 Using Geostatistics, DEM and Remote Sensing to Clarify Soil Cover Maps of Ukraine; Abstract; Introduction

Materials and MethodsResults and Discussion; Variogram Modelling and Geostatistical Simulations; Select a Grid-Cell Size; DEM Generation from Contour Data; DEM Generation from Contours; Extraction of Land Surface Parameters (LSPs) and Unsupervised Extraction of Landforms; Spatial Prediction of Soil Mapping Units; Multinomial Logistic Regression; Selection of Training Pixels; Conclusions; References; 8 Making Better Soil Maps Using Models of Tangential Curvature; Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References

9 Determination of Soil Loss Tolerance for Chernozem of Right-Bank UkraineAbstract; Introduction; Study Area; Field and Laboratory Methods; Modified IP Model; Calculation of SLT; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; References; 10 Assessment of Problems of Soil Contamination Using Environmental Indicators; Abstract; Introduction; Proposals; Conclusions; References; 11 Mathematical Tools to Assess Soil Contamination by Deposition of Technogenic Emissions; Abstract; Introduction; Problem Description; Problem Solving; Development of a Mathematical Model of Soil Contamination

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