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Bringing LTL Model Checking to Biologists
Verified Concurrent Code: Tricks of the Trade
Detecting Strict Aliasing Violations in the Wild
Effective Bug Finding in C Programs with Shape and Effect Abstractions
Synthesizing Non-Vacuous Systems
Static Analysis of Communicating Process Using Symbolic Transducers
Reduction of Workflow Nets for Generalized Soundness Verification
Structuring Abstract Interpreters through State and Value Abstractions
Matching Multiplications in Bit-Vector Formulas
Independence Abstractions and Models of Concurrency
Complete Abstractions and Subclassical Modal Logics
Using Abstract Interpretation to Correct Synchronization Faults
Property Directed Reachability for Proving Absence of Concurrent Modification Errors
Stabilizing Floating-Point Programs Using Provenance Analysis
Dynamic Reductions for Model Checking Concurrent Software
Synthesising Strategy Improvement and Recursive Algorithms for Solving 2.5 Player Parity Games
Counterexample Validation and Interpolation-Based Refinement for Forest Automata
Block-wise Abstract Interpretation by Combining Abstract Domains with SMT
Solving Nonlinear Integer Arithmetic with MCSat
Accuracy of Message Counting Abstraction in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms
Efficient Elimination of Redundancies in Polyhedra Using Raytracing
Precise Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation of Concurrent Programs Using Relational Interference Abstractions
Detecting All High-Level Dataraces in an RTOS Kernel
Reachability for Dynamic Parametric Processes
Conjunctive Abstract Interpretation Using Paramodulation
Reasoning in the Bernays-Schonfinkel-Ramsey Fragment of Separation Logic
Finding Relevant Templates via the Principal Component Analysis
Sound Bit-Precise Numerical Domains
Flipping the E in ICE
Partitioned Memory Models for Program Analysis.

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