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At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Introduction; Brief History of DevOps; An Inspiration for Chocolate, LEGO and Scrum Game; Why LEGO and Chocolate?; Why Scrum?; Who is this game for?; Chapter 2: About this book; What's included in the appendix; Role cards; Special instructions cards; Team handouts; Electronic version of the appendix; Chapter 3: Rules of the Game; Summary and objectives of the game; Basic game flow; Game Roles and Avatars; Scrum Team; Patricia Product; Danny Developer; Tim Tester; Samuel Scrum.

IT Operations TeamAdam Admin; Robert Release; Sara Security; Business Team; Benjamin Business; Surprise character; Harry Hacker; Chapter 4: Game Components; Supplies for the facilitator; List of Supplies for Sprint 1; Role Cards; Supplies for one Scrum Team; Supplies for Development Team; Supplies for Patricia Product; Supplies for Operations Team; Supplies for Adam Admin; Supplies for Robert Release; Supplies for Sara Security; Supplies for Other Roles; Supplies for Benjamin Business; Supplies for each Harry Hacker; Additional supplies for Sprint 2; Scrum Team; Development Team.

Patricia ProductOperations Team; Adam Admin; Robert Release; Sara Security; Supplies for Other roles:; Benjamin Business; Harry Hacker; Additional supplies for Sprint 3; Scrum Team; Development Team; Patricia Product ; Operations Team; Adam Admin; Robert Release; Sara Security; Supplies for Other roles; Benjamin Business; Harry Hacker; Additional supplies for Sprint 4; Scrum Team; Development Team; Patricia Product:; Operations Team; Adam Admin; Robert Release; Sara Security; Supplies for Other roles; Benjamin Business; Harry Hacker; Complete list of component links; Chapter 5: Room Setup.

Small group (15
22 people)Two Scrum Teams; Operations Team; Business Team; Harry Hacker; Medium group (22
28 people); Two Scrum Teams; Operations Team; Security Team; Business Team; Large group (28
42 people); Three Scrum Teams ; Operations Team; Security Team; Business Team; Large group (42
56 people); Four Scrum Teams; Operations Team; Security Team; Business Team; Extra-large group (57
84 people); Second facilitator; Six Scrum Teams ; Two Operations Teams; Hacker Island; Two Business Teams; Scaling the game beyond 84 people; Chapter 6: Know Your Timebox; Inspired by 4 C Framework.

Standard session plan
90 minAbbreviated session plan
75 min; Extended "In-depth" session plan
3 hours; Chapter 7: Be a Gamemaster; A sample facilitator's script for the standard and the abbreviated versions of the workshop; Turn and Talk (4 min); Introduce yourself (1 min); Introduce the topic (5 min); Game Setup (10 min); Sprint 1 (10 min); Sprint 1 Debriefing (5 min)-expose the difference in perspectives ; Sprint 2: Optimizing Scrum Team (10 min) "Shift security to the left."; Sprint 2 Debriefing (* min)-Ineffectiveness of Local Optimization. Running into system constraints.

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