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Education Systems and Learners; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Tables; 1 Introduction
Education Systems and Their Sub-systems; The Research Excellence Framework; Inspection; Class Sizes; Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA); Developing the Practice; Education Systems; The English Education System; 2 Accounts of Education Systems, Teachers and Learners; Social and Educational Research; Epistemology; Induction; Deduction; Retroduction and Retrodiction; Abduction; Reasons and Causes; Practical Methodologies
Retroductive and Abductive Strategies.

3 Judgements About Education Systems, People and PracticesJudgemental Criteria; Internal, External and Parasitic Criteria; Probative Force; Evidence in Judgement; 4 Learning Environments; A Theory of Learning; Behaviourism; Phenomenology; Cognitive Theories of Knowledge; Constructivist Theories of Learning; Post-Human, Actor-Network and Complexity Theories of Learning; Learning Models; Pedagogic Knowledge; Feedback; 5 Learning and Academic Knowledge; Everyday Practical Knowledge; Teaching and Learning in the Modern Academy; The 'Totally Pedagogised Society'

6 Global Education and Educational ReformGlobalising Processes; 7 Conclusions
Educational Discourses; Theory-Practice Relationships; School Effectiveness; Equity Debates; New Public Management Discourses; Field Construction; The Examination; Higher Education Pedagogy; Market Entry, Quality and Risk-Based Regulation; Success as a Knowledge Economy: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice; Higher Education, Research and Innovation Architecture; Success as a Knowledge Economy: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice; An Educational Theory.

Judgemental RationalityReferences; Author Index; Subject Index.

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