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History Matching Using Proxy Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimizations
New Insight in Sand and Petrophysical Properties Prediction Using Attenuation Attributes
Optimizing Injection Perforated Layers of Lateral Continuous Shale during Secondary Recovery; A Simulation Approach
Sensitivity Analysis of Sandstone Rock Elastic Properties to Effective Pressure Using a New Rock Physics Workflow and Its Application for Time-Lapse Seismic Data Analysis
Comparison of Liquid CO2 Injection with a Common Tertiary Recovery Method Using Non-Isothermal Simulations
A Simulation Study of Foam Generation across Vertical Heterogeneity
Pressure Transient Behavior of Injection/Falloff Tests Simulation Study Of The Effect Of Smart Water On Relative Permeability During WAG-CO2 Injection For Light Oil Reservoir
Investigation on Performance of Cationic Polymeric Inhibitors for Mitigating Silicate Scales during ASP Flooding.

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