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Table of Contents
1: The Mobility Dream and its Consequences; Selling the Mobility Dream; The Origins of Highly Qualified Migration; The Logic of Opportunities and Mobility Competition; The Structure of this Book; References; 2: Mobility Contexts; The Traditional View; Towards a Reflexive View of Mobility; Mobility, Employability and Precariousness; Liminal Migration; Mobility in the Life Course; Managing Mobility; Mobility Discourse; Ethical Mobility; Mobility and Inequality; Conclusion: The Price of Mobility; References
3: New Dilemmas in Europeś Race for Global Talent: A Wrong Turn for Tertiary Education?Education: The Promised Land for Europe; Education and Work: A Troubled Relationship; Academic Capitalism, the Commodification of Knowledge and the Global Quest for Quality; Mobility in Education and Mobility Out of Education; The Privileged: Mobility in Education; The `Pied-Pipering ́of the Not So Privileged: Mobility Out of Education; Conveyor-Belt Education; The Story in Spain: The `Lowering ́of Higher Education; The Consequence for Mobility: New Causes for Concern; Young Romanian Migrants
Young Refugees from Syria and Iraq Discussion: A New Precariousness in Mobility; References; 4: Working for Europe? Managing Erasmus+ in the Austerity Era; Approaching Erasmus; Erasmus and Reflexive Mobility; Managing Mobility; Working for Erasmus; The Consequences of Erasmus Mobility; The Erasmus Imbalance; Overcoming Disadvantage; Conclusion: Managing Equality and Equity in Erasmus; References; 5: Recruiting Interns and Keeping Them `Externs:́ Mobility Paradoxes in Internship Governance; An Enterprising Culture of Work; Creating the Enterprising Subject; The `Boundaryless Careeŕ
Turning to Mobility?Internships and Their Discursive Regulation; Case Study Evidence of International Organisation and Non-Governmental Organisations; UNESCO: An Example of the Internship Model; The Externalś Response: InternsGoPro; Conclusions; References; 6: Being a Researcher: Professional Stability and Career Trajectories in Science and Technology; Being a Scientist: Research Projects and the Professional Career; The Research Project: Configuring Institutions and Careers; Working in a Laboratory: Living Between Science and Work; Leading Projects and Doing Research
Being a Member of a Research ProjectAcademic and Professional Socialisation: Scientific Trajectories and Vocation; Mobility; Concluding Remarks; References; 7: The Unsettled Future: Future Challenges in Highly Qualified Mobility; New Challenges in Highly Qualified Mobility; Mobility Under Austerity; Europeś `Other Mobility Crisis;́ Mobility in a Broken Union; Closing Remarks: The Mobility Commodity; References; References; Index
3: New Dilemmas in Europeś Race for Global Talent: A Wrong Turn for Tertiary Education?Education: The Promised Land for Europe; Education and Work: A Troubled Relationship; Academic Capitalism, the Commodification of Knowledge and the Global Quest for Quality; Mobility in Education and Mobility Out of Education; The Privileged: Mobility in Education; The `Pied-Pipering ́of the Not So Privileged: Mobility Out of Education; Conveyor-Belt Education; The Story in Spain: The `Lowering ́of Higher Education; The Consequence for Mobility: New Causes for Concern; Young Romanian Migrants
Young Refugees from Syria and Iraq Discussion: A New Precariousness in Mobility; References; 4: Working for Europe? Managing Erasmus+ in the Austerity Era; Approaching Erasmus; Erasmus and Reflexive Mobility; Managing Mobility; Working for Erasmus; The Consequences of Erasmus Mobility; The Erasmus Imbalance; Overcoming Disadvantage; Conclusion: Managing Equality and Equity in Erasmus; References; 5: Recruiting Interns and Keeping Them `Externs:́ Mobility Paradoxes in Internship Governance; An Enterprising Culture of Work; Creating the Enterprising Subject; The `Boundaryless Careeŕ
Turning to Mobility?Internships and Their Discursive Regulation; Case Study Evidence of International Organisation and Non-Governmental Organisations; UNESCO: An Example of the Internship Model; The Externalś Response: InternsGoPro; Conclusions; References; 6: Being a Researcher: Professional Stability and Career Trajectories in Science and Technology; Being a Scientist: Research Projects and the Professional Career; The Research Project: Configuring Institutions and Careers; Working in a Laboratory: Living Between Science and Work; Leading Projects and Doing Research
Being a Member of a Research ProjectAcademic and Professional Socialisation: Scientific Trajectories and Vocation; Mobility; Concluding Remarks; References; 7: The Unsettled Future: Future Challenges in Highly Qualified Mobility; New Challenges in Highly Qualified Mobility; Mobility Under Austerity; Europeś `Other Mobility Crisis;́ Mobility in a Broken Union; Closing Remarks: The Mobility Commodity; References; References; Index