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Roland Duduchava; Roland Duduchava's PhD students:; Roland Duduchava's Publications; Monographs; Papers; The Duduchava-Roch Formula; 1. Introduction; 2. The pure Fisher-Hartwig singularity; 3. The Duduchava-Roch formula; 4. Toeplitz operators with PC symbols; 5. The pure Fisher-Hartwig determinant; 6. A lattice determinant and related questions; 7. Green's functions and Toeplitz matrices; 8. Is there a Wiener-Hopf analogue?; Acknowledgment; References; Convolution Type Operators with Symmetry in Bessel Potential Spaces; 1. Introduction; 2. Lifting and shifting

2. Axisymmetric problems2.1. An abstract setting; 2.2. Cylindrical coordinates; 3. Axisymmetric shells; 4. Quiet cases; 4.1. Laplace operator; 4.2. Lamé system on plates; 4.3. Lamé system on a spherical cap; 5. Sensitive cases: Developable shells; 6. A sensitive family of elliptic shells, the Airy barrels; 7. Conclusion: The leading role of the membrane operator for the Lamé system; References; Kernels of Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel Operators with Matching Generating Functions; 1. Introduction; 2. Kernels of Wiener-Hopf operators with a matching generating function

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