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Celtic Myth in Contemporary Children's Fantasy; Note on Spelling and Dating; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; 1 Introduction: "Celticity," Fantasy, and the Child Readership; Fantasy: Tropes, Categories, Structure; Myth, Legend, Folktale, and their Relation to Fantasy: Reception and Adaptation; The Celts, Celticity, and "Celtic" Myth; Children's Literature, Celticity, and Ideology; Unravelling Celticity: The Structure of This Study; Notes; Part I Irish Myth; 2 Otherworldly Ireland: Pat O'Shea's The Hounds of the Mórrígan and Kate Thompson's The New Policeman

Revisiting the Ancient Irish DeitiesIrish Landscape and Images of Celticity in Tír-na-nÓg; From Pagan "Gods" to Irish Folklore; Celtic Past and Christian Present
Redux; Conclusions; Notes; 3 Celticity and the Irish Diaspora: Rewriting Finn mac Cumhall and Cúchulain for American Youngsters; Mary Tannen's The Wizard Children of Finn; Mary Tannen's The Lost Legend of Finn; Henry Neff's The Tapestry Series; The Hero's Journeys of Max McDaniels and Cúchulain; Irish Gods and Goddesses: Weaving a New Tapestry of Myth; Irishness, Celticity and the Material Culture of The Tapestry; Conclusion; Notes

Part II Welsh Myth4 Lloyd Alexander's The Chronicles of Prydain: Building Fantasy upon Forgery; Prydain and Wales; Fantasy Templates: from "Welshifying" The Lord of the Rings to "Filling the Gaps" of Welsh Tradition; Prydain and the Counterfeit Tradition; Feisty Girls, Oracular Pigs, Evil Enchantresses, and Triple Goddesses; Conclusions; Notes; 5 Welsh Heritage for Teenagers: Alan Garner, Jenny Nimmo, Catherine Fisher; Alan Garner: The Owl Service; Jenny Nimmo: The Magician Trilogy; Catherine Fisher's Darkhenge; Conclusions; Notes

6 Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising Sequence and the Arthur of the WelshThe "Dark Ages" and a Celto-Roman Arthur; The Arthur of Welsh Legend and Folklore; Wales and Celticity: "Oldest Hills," Celtic Stereotypes, and Gravesian Interpretations; Conclusions; Notes; 7 Conclusion: Celticity and "Celtic" Heritage; (Re)Defining the "Celts," "Celtic" History, and "Celtic" Mythology; The "Celtic" Past as National/Cultural Heritage; The "Celtic" Character; Notes; Bibliography; Index

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