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Preface; Contents; About the Author; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; References; 2 Strategic Directions and Views; References; 3 Porter's Strategies in Healthcare; 3.1 Choice of Strategy; 3.1.1 Cost Leadership Strategy; 3.1.2 Differentiation Strategy; References; 4 Sources of Competitive Advantage; 4.1 Types of Competitive Advantage; 4.2 Implementation and Sustainability of Value-Based Competition; 4.3 How to Sustain a Competitive Advantage; References; 5 Innovation in Hospital Settings; 5.1 How to Prepare an Organization for Innovation; 5.1.1 Developing Organizational Ambidexterity.

5.1.2 Increasing the Ratio of Exploration to Exploitation5.1.3 Knowledge Brokering; 5.1.4 Network and Filling Structural Hole; 5.2 Enablers for Innovation; References; 6 Strategic Framework in a Hospital Settings; 6.1 External Environmental Analysis; 6.1.1 PESTEL; 6.1.2 Competitive Forces; Threat of Entry; Power of Suppliers; Power of Buyers; The Threat of Substitutes; Rivalry Among Existing Competitors; 6.1.3 Industry Maturity; 6.1.4 Key Success Factors in the Healthcare Industry; 6.1.5 Threat of Opportunities; 6.2 Internal Environment Analysis.

6.2.1 Strength and Weaknesses6.2.1.1 Strength; Weaknesses; 6.2.2 Capabilities and Competencies; References; 7 Eight Strategic Tools Implemented; 7.1 The "S2P Project"; 7.1.1 Facets of the S2P Project; Value Constellation [1]; Emphasizing Value; 7.1.2 Mission of the S2P Project; 7.2 The Nero Project; 7.3 The Group Purchasing Project; 7.4 Creation of Clinical Pathways and Guidelines; 7.5 Patient Loyalty Program; 7.6 Physician Integration Strategy; 7.7 Physician Liaison Program; 7.8 Staff Engagement Program; References.

8 Application of Porter's Strategies in Lebanese Hospitals8.1 Material and Method; 8.1.1 Statistical Method; 8.2 Results; 8.2.1 Demographic Data; 8.2.2 Reliability of Differentiation and Low-Cost Leadership Scales; 8.2.3 The Mean Score and Frequency Across the Differentiation Strategy Items, Low Leadership Strategy Items and Performance Measures; 8.2.4 Strategy Score Analysis by Strategy Preference with Their Corresponding Performance Scores; 8.2.5 Clustering Analysis; 8.2.6 Correlation Between Type of Strategy and Quality of Care; 8.3 Discussion; 8.3.1 Descriptive Findings.

8.3.2 Correlation AnalysisReferences; 9 Correlation Between Type of Strategy and Performance; 9.1 Analysis of the Correlation Between the Types of Strategy and Performance in Lebanese Hospitals; 9.1.1 Why Would Cost Leadership Correlate with Quality of Care?; 9.1.2 Why Would Differentiation Strategy and Quality of Care Correlate?; References; 10 Conclusion; References; Index.

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