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Preface; Contents; About the Authors; 1 Introduction to MSMEs; Abstract; 1.1 Evolution from SSIs to MSMEs; 1.2 Small Scale Industry (SSI) in India; 1.3 MSMEs; 1.4 Contribution of MSME to Indian Economy; 1.5 Background for the Study; 1.6 Objectives of the Study; 1.7 Imperative Need; 1.8 Review Questions; References; 2 MSMEs-Innovation; Abstract; 2.1 Background; 2.2 Imperatives for Innovations; 2.3 Innovation in MSMEs: Theory and Trends; 2.4 The Henderson-Clark Framework of Innovation for MSMEs; 2.5 Need of Innovation for Indian MSMEs; 2.6 India's Stand in Global Innovation Index

2.7 Objectives of Carrying Out Innovation by Indian MSMEs2.8 Review Questions; References; 3 MSMEs-Strategic Marketing; Abstract; 3.1 Background; 3.2 Strategic Marketing in Indian MSMEs: Theory and Trends; 3.3 Need of Strategic Marketing for Indian MSMEs; 3.4 Objectives of Carrying Out Strategic Marketing by Indian MSMEs; 3.5 Review Questions; References; 4 MSMEs-Addressing Issues; Abstract; 4.1 MSMEs: Past Versus Present; 4.2 Need of MSMEs for Indian Economic Growth; 4.3 Inspiring Innovation in India's MSMEs; 4.4 Growth Barriers for Our Indian MSMEs

4.5 Barriers to Innovation Aspects of Indian MSMEs4.6 Issues That Need Immediate Attention from the Ministry of MSME; 4.7 Review Questions; References; 5 Research Design; Abstract; 5.1 Need for the Research; 5.2 Gap Identified with Reference to Strategic Marketing and Innovations Adopted by Indian MSMEs; 5.3 Proposed Research Work; 5.4 The Objectives of Research; 5.5 Expected Contribution and Possible Direction of Research; 5.6 Research Design Decision; 5.7 Development of Constructs for Measurement; 5.8 Constructs of Strategic Marketing; 5.9 Constructs of Innovation Performance

5.10 Defining the Constructs5.11 Questionnaire Development; 5.12 Review Questions; Reference; 6 Pilot Study-Assessment of Validity and Reliability; Abstract; 6.1 Data Collection for Pilot Study; 6.2 The Applicability and Responsiveness of the Questionnaire; 6.3 Data Preparation; 6.4 Validity and Reliability in Measurement; 6.4.1 Validity-Multitrait Multimethod Matrix; 6.4.2 Reliability-Cronbach Alpha; 6.5 Review Questions; References; 7 Main Study-Data Reduction and Confirmatory Factor Analysis; Abstract; 7.1 Data Collection For Main Study; 7.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis

7.3 Factor Loadings7.4 Creating Summated Scales; 7.5 Review Questions; References; 8 Main Study-Data Preparation and Preliminary Data Analysis; Abstract; 8.1 Creation of Summated Data and Transcription; 8.2 Constructs of SM and Innovation; 8.3 Preliminary Data Analysis; 8.4 Basic Information Summary on Organization Features; 8.5 Strategic Marketing and Innovation Performance Summary; 8.5.1 Overall Strategic Marketing (SM) Performance of Organizations; 8.5.2 Overall Innovation Performance of Organizations; 8.6 Trend of Strategic Marketing and Innovation Performance; 8.7 Review Questions

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