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Table of Contents
Introduction and Scope; Contents; Part I: Water; Climate Change and Water Science Policy in Management; Introduction; Water Sustains Life, the Environment and Economic Development; Fresh Water Resources Are Becoming Less Available; The Need for Science and More; Building Scientific Capacity and Infrastructure; Bridging Science and Policy; Conclusion; References; The Triangle: Energy, Water and Food Nexus for Sustainable Security in the Arab Middle East; Origins of the Concept of an Energy, Water, and Food Nexus; Concept of Water Security; Inherited Global Transitions
Urban Demographics in theMENARegionClimate Change: Dealing with an Uncertain Future; Dealing with Climate Change in the MENA Region; A Look at Agricultural Land; Employment and Food; The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Seven Stylized Facts About the Eternal Triangle; Millennium Development Goals and the NEXUS; Technical Fixes to Bolster Water Security; Rely on International Trade in Water and Land intensive Imports; Develop Traditional Water Sources; Develop Non-traditional Sources; Improving Efficiency of Use; Agronomic Research
Actual Yield (Ya), Water and Nutrient Limited (Yw-Ya), Water Limited (Yw), and Potential Yield (Yp) t/haFood and Value Chains; Regulation; Water Resource Command and Control; Legal Protection for Third Parties; Regulation of Food and Value Chains; Summary; References; Water, Food and Trade as an Element of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the MENA Region; Why the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Now?; Problems of Conceptualising the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Taking into Account the Impacts of Climate Change and the Role of ...
Operational Supply Chains
A Pragmatic Approach to Identifying How Markets and Public Policy Actually Allocate Water and Ener...Concluding Comments; References; Water and Water Supply in The MENA: Less of the Same; The Argument; Structural Changes in the Arab World; The Challenges; Per Capita Resources; Water Mining; External Sources; Land Use; Import Dependency; Drought; Dualism; Non agricultural Water Use; The Public Policy Process; Bold Departures; Policy Foci; Sustainable Intensification; Rainfed Agriculture; Dualism; Regulating Aquifers; Markets; Trading for Food and Virtual Water
DesalinationWaste Water Treatment; International Hydropolitics; The Nile Basin; The Tigris-Euphrates Basin; The Jordan Basin; Conclusion; General Conclusion; References; Water Conservation in the Arab Region; Introduction; Definition of Water Conservation; Need for Water Conservation in the Arab Region; Water Conservation Through Water Loss Reduction (WLR); Water Conservation in the Agricultural Sector; Water Conservation in Municipal Water Supply; Water Conservation in Industry; Augmenting Supply through Non-conventional Water Resources; Wastewater Reuse; Desalination; Water Harvesting
Urban Demographics in theMENARegionClimate Change: Dealing with an Uncertain Future; Dealing with Climate Change in the MENA Region; A Look at Agricultural Land; Employment and Food; The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Seven Stylized Facts About the Eternal Triangle; Millennium Development Goals and the NEXUS; Technical Fixes to Bolster Water Security; Rely on International Trade in Water and Land intensive Imports; Develop Traditional Water Sources; Develop Non-traditional Sources; Improving Efficiency of Use; Agronomic Research
Actual Yield (Ya), Water and Nutrient Limited (Yw-Ya), Water Limited (Yw), and Potential Yield (Yp) t/haFood and Value Chains; Regulation; Water Resource Command and Control; Legal Protection for Third Parties; Regulation of Food and Value Chains; Summary; References; Water, Food and Trade as an Element of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the MENA Region; Why the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Now?; Problems of Conceptualising the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Taking into Account the Impacts of Climate Change and the Role of ...
Operational Supply Chains
A Pragmatic Approach to Identifying How Markets and Public Policy Actually Allocate Water and Ener...Concluding Comments; References; Water and Water Supply in The MENA: Less of the Same; The Argument; Structural Changes in the Arab World; The Challenges; Per Capita Resources; Water Mining; External Sources; Land Use; Import Dependency; Drought; Dualism; Non agricultural Water Use; The Public Policy Process; Bold Departures; Policy Foci; Sustainable Intensification; Rainfed Agriculture; Dualism; Regulating Aquifers; Markets; Trading for Food and Virtual Water
DesalinationWaste Water Treatment; International Hydropolitics; The Nile Basin; The Tigris-Euphrates Basin; The Jordan Basin; Conclusion; General Conclusion; References; Water Conservation in the Arab Region; Introduction; Definition of Water Conservation; Need for Water Conservation in the Arab Region; Water Conservation Through Water Loss Reduction (WLR); Water Conservation in the Agricultural Sector; Water Conservation in Municipal Water Supply; Water Conservation in Industry; Augmenting Supply through Non-conventional Water Resources; Wastewater Reuse; Desalination; Water Harvesting